Visual Language
Color Bands
CSM’s color bands are a design element that are used as a subtle way to add in color.
The gold portion of the band is used to anchor the logo. The size of the bands can change depending on the size of the logo and final product. The band may be used on any side of the document but not used on more than one side per document. For CSM’s institutional materials the band should use the primary color palette. The color bands can use the secondary color palette for special occasions in CSM’s external marketing materials.
Color Blocks
Color blocks, paired with color bands, are a staple of CSM’s institutional brand.
The color block and band system is a scalable and flexible way to bring color to our designs. The color blocks should use the primary color palette for all institutional branded materials. The color blocks can use the secondary color palette for special occasions in CSM’s external marketing materials.
To help with layout and color blocking, make sure to adhere to CSM’s grid system.
The grid system consists of a 6 column grid that acts as a flexible base for your design. The grid system allows for 1, 2, 3, and 6 column layouts, as well as 2 and 4 column compositions. To further assist with color blocking incorporate a square grid system to keep elements consistent and aligned.