Refund Policy
Refund Policy (Effective August 1, 2021)
If you want to drop a course and receive a refund, you must make the change through myCSMD (non-credit students may also submit a Change of Schedule form on campus). Refunds will first be applied to any past-due balances owed the college and will be made in accordance to the Tuition Refund Policy as outlined by Student Account Services.
To verify a refund date, contact the Student Services Office at the La Plata Campus: 301-934-7712. Credit students may check the academic calendar for withdrawal deadlines each semester.
If you need a replacement check, please complete the Stop Payment Request Form:
Submit a Stop Payment Request Form
Refund Policy
Students may be eligible for a refund if they drop classes during the published refund period. Students will not be eligible for a refund if they withdraw after the published refund period ends. Check the CSM Academic Calendar for withdrawal deadlines each semester.
View specific refund eligibility dates:
2025 Spring Semester
Refund Procedure
A student dropping a course prior to the first day of a class is eligible for a 100 percent refund of tuition and applicable fees (see the schedule to determine those fees that are refundable). In addition,
For courses that last 14 weeks or longer:
- 100% refund during the first week (the 7-calendar-day period including the first day of class)
For courses that last 15 days to 13 weeks:
- 100% refund during the first three days (the 3-calendar-day period including the first day of class)
- 0% refund on or after the first day of class
In extreme circumstances, where the student is forced to withdraw after the normal refund period, the college may consider an exception to our published policy. To be eligible for consideration, the student must meet the criteria described in the Emergency Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy (under Student Progress and Academic Records).
To determine refund dates for open enrollment courses, please call the Registrar’s Office. Students wishing to drop a course and receive a refund must make the change through Online Services or by submitting a Change of Schedule form at the Information Counter on the La Plata Campus or the main office at one of the other CSM campuses. Students enrolled in courses canceled by the college will automatically receive full credit of tuition and fees.
Refunds will first be applied to any past-due balances owed the college. To verify a refund date, please call Student Account Services at the La Plata Campus, 301-934-7712 or by email