Report an Incident

If you or others are in immediate danger, dial 911 right away.

Every student, employee, and visitor is entitled to a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment at CSM. It takes all members of the college community to maintain an atmosphere of security and acceptance. We encourage everyone, both students and employees, to report any incidents that you may have witnessed or experienced that jeopardize a safe, welcoming environment.

Report an Incident

See something? Say something.

Each person has a role in helping to provide a safe and secure environment. It cannot be stressed enough: If you see something, say something. At the College of Southern Maryland, you can do so in several ways:

We ask students, staff, faculty, and visitors to report anything that they consider suspicious or outside what they may consider normal, whether it pertains to individuals or interactions you have. This includes activities, behaviors, social media postings, rumors or other troubling information.

The College of Southern Maryland encourages students, staff, faculty and visitors to review regularly the resources available at and to contact CSM’s Public Safety directly with any additional questions or comments. CSM’s goal is to provide the most accurate information as quickly as possible and public information is provided through the college’s online newsroom at and CSM public safety page at

In order to maintain an environment conducive to educational excellence, the College of Southern Maryland has identified behaviors that are in opposition to this goal. The academic and behavioral expectations for our students are discussed in greater detail within the Student Code of Conduct.

The College is also concerned about any behaviors and activities that are disruptive to the mission of the college and potentially harmful to members of the college community. Concerning behaviors may or may not be violations of the Student Code of Conduct, but give general concern for the safety of the individual or of others. Behaviors may be erratic, aggressive, indicate potential to harm self or others, drastic changes in behavior, or indicate substance abuse.

The College encourages faculty, staff, and students to report all incidents that may violate the college’s academic or behavioral standards.

If you believe a violation of the academic or behavioral standards has occurred, or if you have observed behaviors that give you cause to be concerned, please report it.

Report a Student Misconduct

The College of Southern Maryland prohibits harassment of its employees, students, or visitors based on gender, sexual orientation, race, age, color, religion, disability, marital status, or national origin. Retaliation against those who allege such harassment is strictly prohibited. This policy includes campus-based hate crimes. Complaints alleging discrimination are investigated and resolved through the Equity and Inclusive Diversity Office.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits the exclusion of people from jobs, services, activities, or benefits based on disabilities. Consistent with our nondiscrimination policy, the College of Southern Maryland has made many accommodations to facilitate a fully accessible, to the extent possible, barrier-free environment. Students requesting accommodations based on a disability should follow the Procedures for Requesting Reasonable Accommodations.

If you have experienced discrimination, harassment, or an act of retaliation, please fill out the complaint form:

Report Discrimination

Sexual misconduct is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by federal and state discrimination laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and is strictly prohibited by CSM. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, and retaliation are acts that fall into this category. This policy also applies to campus-based hate crimes. 

View CSM's Title IX Policy

The college has resources available to assist survivors of these acts. To report these behaviors to the college, please submit a report to the Title IX Coordinator:

Dr. Tracy Harris
Interim Title IX Coordinator

Report Sexual Misconduct or Relationship Violence



Integrity is a core value at the College of Southern Maryland, and we strive for all our work to reflect our values. College of Southern Maryland employees, including student workers, are expected to abide by state and federal laws and regulations as well as College policies in carrying out their duties and responsibilities for the College. All College employees, including student workers, cannot be compelled by a supervisor or College official to violate the law or College policies. An individual who has knowledge of specific acts(s) which he or she reasonably believes violate(s) the law or College policy has a responsibility to disclose that information. The College of Southern Maryland Policy HR 4190 Whistleblower Protection contains general guidelines for conducting College work with the highest standards of ethics.

College of Southern Maryland is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor or management in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred.

In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, you are encouraged to use the CSM Ethics Hotline, hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint. This system will complement existing campus reporting options for financial, accounting and other compliance related violations. You are encouraged to submit reports relating to violations stated in our College of Southern Maryland Whistleblower Protection Policy, as well as asking for guidance related to policies and procedure. You may submit a report through this site or by calling (888-552-8064). The hotline can be used for either direct or anonymous reporting.

The hotline provides reporting categories.  If you are unsure which category to use, please click on “Risk and Safety Matters.”

Report an Ethics Violation

This hotline should not be used to report health, fire and safety, personnel, or academic matters.

The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis, if you should choose. The College will investigate all reports submitted promptly and discreetly. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard. The College will not tolerate retaliation toward, or harassment of, anyone who makes a good faith effort to appropriately disclose an alleged impropriety through this method.

Additional Resources

Confidential Reporting

The following resources provide confidential support:


Students may receive free confidential counseling from the college’s counselors.


National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
1-800-656-(HOPE) 4673

Walden Sierra, Inc.
301-863-6661, Waldorf;
301-997-1300 ext. 871, California.

Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Turn Around Inc.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Charles County Sheriff’s Office

Calvert County Sheriff’s Office

St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office

Maryland State Police
301-392-1200, La Plata;
410-535-1400, Prince Frederick

Area Hospitals

These are the closest hospitals if a sexual-assault evidence-collection exam is desired:

Med Star St. Mary’s Hospital

Calvert Memorial Hospital

University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center

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