From the college’s origin in 1958 as Charles County Community College to its reinvention in 2000 as a regional institution serving Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary’s counties, the College of Southern Maryland has continually evolved to better reflect and serve our communities.
Our Brand Story
As the needs and demographics of Southern Maryland have changed, so have the ways we present ourselves, convey our values, and demonstrate our commitment to serving the diverse and evolving needs and goals of our students and our communities.
The increasing diversity among our students, employees, and programs made it clear that the college had outgrown the branding and visual style in use since 2000. It was time for a renewal.
For more than a year, we consulted extensively with stakeholders, including students, employees, and community members to understand their impressions and perceptions of the college. We reflected on our brand messaging, what we wanted to communicate, and how effective our efforts had been in connecting and resonating with our various audiences.
The feedback we received was invaluable. One consistent insight highlighted the importance of placing students at the center of all high-level brand messaging. As we reassessed our branding and institutional image, we ensured that our students—the college’s entire reason for existing—remained at the center, reinforcing our commitment to supporting diverse learners with varied interests and goals.
The feedback also indicated that while our existing brand was strong, it required revitalization. The refreshed brand needed familiar visual elements that linked the new look to the brand identity that the college had established but infused with a revitalized sense of creativity, warmth, pride, connection, community, and excitement. Through this process, we sought to maintain emphasis on "Southern Maryland” in our name, highlighting our role as Southern Maryland’s community college.

The new logo is the centerpiece of the visual rebrand. The old logo – which included a stylized graduation cap - conveyed the academic and collegiate character of the institution. However, it did not fully represent the wide variety of CSM students’ educational goals and endeavors, nor the many roles the college serves in and for our communities.
While academic degrees are a central pillar of the college’s educational offerings and a primary goal for many students, earning an associate degree isn’t the only motivation for attending CSM. Southern Maryland residents in every stage of life, career, and schooling pursue educational options including certificates, letters of recognition, and workforce development training programs. Families expand their children’s learning opportunities with CSM’s Kids’ & Teen College, homeschool, and Early College and Dual Enrollment programs. Personal enrichment classes empower students to acquire new skills, make new connections, and discover new passions and talents. Adult education offerings provide an avenue for earning a high school diploma or improving English language proficiency.
Our new logo, modeled on the cupola of the Administration Building at the La Plata Campus, invokes the historic architectural styles that embody Southern Maryland’s regional character. Moreover, the resemblance to a lighthouse has a dual significance. Not only are lighthouses practically synonymous with Southern Maryland’s extensive coastline, they’re also a powerful metaphor for the role CSM plays in our communities: as a point of reference and source of unwavering encouragement, helping students navigate opportunities and obstacles as they chart their course toward reaching their goals.
As President Dr. Yolanda Wilson says, “At CSM, we serve a vibrant and multifaceted student population that is not singular in demographic, dimension, or focus, but rather demonstrates a rich tapestry of perspectives and ideas that must be engaged in the problem-solving, innovation, and ideation to shape our now and our future.
Celebrating our diverse gifts and collective voices does not detract from our mission of open access, transfer, and workforce development; indeed, it is the bedrock of the solid foundation upon which it has always soared!”
Wherever you want your education to take you—no matter where you’re coming from or where you’re going—CSM will be here to help guide you, as you discover and embark upon your pathway to possibility.