Testing for Other Colleges
The College of Southern Maryland Testing Centers (La Plata, Prince Frederick, and Leonardtown) offer proctoring services for examinees from other institutions by appointment. Prior to contacting a CSM Testing Center, you should contact your home institution for procedures you may need to follow to set up test proctoring services at CSM. A valid, non-expired photo ID is required to sit for any examination.
Scheduling an Appointment:
We request that you do the following things ahead of time.
- Verify with your school that we are an approved testing site for the purposes for which you wish to use our services. If your company or institution requires a proctoring form be completed, or the specific name of the proctor, contact your desired testing center location directly to obtain updated contact information.
- email or call us to schedule an appointment.
- La Plata: 301-934-7657 or testing_center@csmd.edu
- Leonardtown: 240-725-5340 or leon_testing_center@csmd.edu
- Prince Frederick: 443-550-6040 or prin_testing_center@csmd.edu
- Contact your school and have the testing materials sent to us; and
- Call or email your desired testing location to confirm your appointment and that we have received the materials for your test.
Be aware, proctoring services for examinees from other institutions may not be available during CSM midterms or CSM final examinations at all CSM Testing Centers.
No examinee will be seated later than 30 minutes prior to closing. Appointments are made based on the time limit provided by institution. Please contact the testing center at least 24 hours prior to desired appointment time.
Fees for Proctoring Services:
A $30 administration fee for proctoring services will be made at the Bursars Office or online prior to taking exams at the Testing Centers. A form will be provided to you from the Testing Center staff to take to the Bursars Office for payment or the online form may be found here.
- If you elect to pay the fee the same day as your exam, you must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment to remit payment at the Bursars Office prior to your exam. NOTE: The Bursars Office is closed on Saturdays. Payments for exams scheduled on a Saturday must be done in advance or online.
Bring your receipt with you to the Testing Center. Testing candidates must provide the receipt to the Testing Center staff at the appointment date/time in order to sit for the exam.
What to Bring
On the day of your test, you will need to bring:
The name of the college, university or company for whom you are taking the test.
The payment receipt from the online payment form or the Bursars office.
A valid, non-expired picture ID that has a printed name and a recognizable photograph.
General Testing Center Policies for Proctored Testing
You are not permitted to use any unauthorized electronic devices (this includes cell phones, tablets, smart watches or fitness wristbands, laptops, and/or any other electronic devices). These items must turned off and stored in a provided locker.
All personal belongings (electronic devices, wallets, keys, book bags, etc.) must be stored in a provided locker. Only items noted by the instructor will be permitted in the testing lab.
Closings: CSM Testing Centers are closed when the college is closed (i.e. scheduled breaks, inclement weather, etc.). Please check www.csmd.edu for updates.