Students may attempt to earn college credit in some areas by examination.
The credit-by-examination program is an option for those who have strong academic high school backgrounds or who have studied on their own. These comprehensive examinations are administered by appointment in the Testing Centers.
A passing score will result in the credits for the class appearing on the student's transcript. While the credits count toward graduation, the credits are not used in the calculation of the grade point average. Students seeking credit at CSM must be currently admitted to the college and must meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for the test. All other testers may have their score(s) sent to the appropriate college, university, or military branch.
The proctoring fee for CLEP and DSST exams is $30 per exam. This proctoring fee is not included in the cost of your exam.
Credit-by-Examination Programs
The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) gives students the opportunity to receive college credit for what they already know by earning qualifying scores on examinations. The cost for CLEP exams is $95 plus the $30 CSM proctoring fee. Registration and payment for CLEP exams is done online.
Meet with a CSM Academic Advisor or contact the institution receiving results to determine which is the correct exam to take and passing score.
Contact the Testing Center of your choice to schedule an appointment. CLEP will not be administered during midterms or final examinations.
There is a Test Proctoring fee which must be paid prior to taking the test and is non-refundable. The Test Proctoring fee is $30. You can download the Test Payment Fee hardcopy form and pay at the Student Account Services Office during regular business hours by cash, check, money order or credit card. Use the online Test Payment Fee Authorization form to pay by credit card during non-business hours. Save your receipt!
On the day of the exam, bring your CLEP Registration Ticket, your receipt showing payment of the test proctoring fee for each exam you are taking, AND a government issued photo ID with signature such as a driver's license.
CLEP results for multiple choice exams are generally available immediately after testing.
CLEP information for military personnel, their qualifying spouses, veterans and select civilian employees who wish to take advantage of DANTES funding for their exams can be found here.
The nationally recognized DSST Program allows students to receive college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom perhaps from reading, on-the-job training, or independent study. The cost for DSST exams is $100 plus the $30 CSM proctoring fee.
DSST will not be administered during midterms or during final examinations.
Meet with a CSM Academic Advisor or contact the institution receiving results to determine which is the correct exam to take and passing score.
There is a Test Proctoring fee which must be paid prior to taking the test and is non-refundable. The test proctoring fee is $30. You can download the Test Payment Fee hardcopy form and pay at the Student Account Services Office during regular business hours by cash, check, money order, or credit card or use the online Test Payment Fee Authorization form to pay by credit card. Save your receipt!
On the day of the exam, bring your receipt showing payment of the test proctoring fee for each exam you are taking, a photo ID,and a major credit card to pay for your DSST exam fee at your workstation at the time of your testing appointment.
DSST results for multiple choices exams are generally available immediately after testing. Essays are graded separately.
DSST information for military personnel, their qualifying spouses, veterans, and select civilian employees who wish to take advantage of DANTES funding for their exams can be found here.
DSST has launched applications for smart phones within the Android Google Play and Apple App stores which includes detailed exam information and a free practice exam!
For information about the Apple App for DSST exams click here.
For information about the Google Play Store App for DSST exams click here.
An academic department may award course credit to students who demonstrate learning comparable to that required in specific college courses. A Departmental Examination is created by the appropriate college department and administered by appointment in the Testing Centers.
Departmental Exams must be taken within thirty (30) days of registering for the exam. A passing grade on an examination is recorded with a grade of P for Passing on the student's academic record. While the credits count toward graduation, neither the credits nor the grade is used in the calculation of the student's grade point average.
Examinations that are attempted but not passed are not recorded. Students who fail a departmental exam must obtain permission of the chair of that department in order to re-take the exam and there may be restrictions on how soon a re-test can be made. Departmental tests may only be re-taken once.
Credits earned by departmental exam may not be acceptable for transfer to other institutions. Be sure to check with that school for their policy on transfer of credits from a course marked as "pass/fail".
Meet with a CSM Academic Advisor to determine if Departmental Exams are an appropriate choice for your academic goals. Contact any institution you are considering for transfer about their policy of accepting credits marked as "pass/fail" on your transcripts.
After receiving approval from the department to take the Departmental Exam, you will register for the departmental exam section (DZ) of the course for which you wish to earn credit in Student Planning.
Departmental Examinations are charged at a rate of $20 per credit. A 3 credit class will cost $60.00, for example. This fee must be paid at the Student Account Services Office after registering for the exam. Save your receipt!
Schedule an appointment with the Testing Center of your choice. The Testing Center will contact the department to release the exam.
Departmental Exams must be taken within thirty (30) days of registering for the test.
On the day of the exam, bring your receipt showing payment for each departmental exam you are taking and a photo ID.
Departmental Exam results should be available within three (3) weeks after the exam has been taken. If you do not receive notification within three weeks, please contact the Registrar’s Office, 301-934-7588.
Please allow enough time to complete your test prior to the Testing Center closing.
CLEP, DSST, and Departmental Examinations will not be administered during final examinations.
Students with Disabilities
Individuals with documented disabilities that require special accommodations should contact Disability Support Services, 301-934-2251, ext. 7614 for Departmental Exams. Special accommodation requests for CLEP needs to be made directly to the Testing Center at least 48 business hours prior to the exam.