Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Pathway
The STEM fields include a wide variety of fields and professions. The education requirements are also quite broad from an associate degree for positions such as engineering technician, baccalaureate degrees for engineers to doctoral degrees for research scientists and some other professional careers. Most STEM-related fields require a minimum of a bachelor's degree to enter the field and many will require a graduate degree, licensure, or further education to advance in the field.
Engineering and Science Technology graduates typical earn an annual salary of about $55,000 with an associate degree although most positions require a bachelor's degree to enter STEM fields. STEM graduates are generally well paid with full-time engineers with a bachelor's degree starting from about $75,000 to as much as $145,000. Positions in the natural sciences have similar compensation ranges although research positions usually require a doctoral degree and earn annual starting salaries of from $105,000 to $150,000.
Associate of Science
Letters of Recognition
Workforce Training
Associate of Applied Science
- Cybersecurity Certificate
- Cloud and Information Technology Certificate
- Technical Support Certificate
Letters of Recognition
Workforce Training
Associate of Science
Letters of Recognition
Workforce Training
Associate of Science
Associate of Science in Engineering
Associate of Applied Science
- Drafting Certificate
- Electronics Technology Certificate
- Engineering Technology Certificate
- Robotics Technology Certificate