West Virginia University
Students can save up to
by completing their associate degree at College of Southern Maryland and then finishing up at West Virginia University (based on average costs 2020-21).
- Transfer Admission Deadlines
Fall Admission: August 1st
Spring Admission: December 1st - Physical Address: P.O. Box 6201, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
- Phone: 304-293-0111
Articulated Program Benefits:
- For the Suggested Plan of Studies:
- Students transferring to West Virginia University with an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will have satisfied the General Education Foundation requirements at WVU.
Articulated Program Requirements & Benefits
- To qualify for the Guaranteed Admission Agreement, CSM students must:
- Guaranteed admissions for CSM students who have earned an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree.
- Have a transferable GPA of at least 2.0.
- In good standing at CSM.
- Guaranteed admission to WVU does not mean such students are guaranteed admission to their articulated majors without satisfying the WVU major criteria.
- For the Guaranteed Admission Agreement:
- Guaranteed admission to WVU if the above requirements are met.
- For the Suggested Plan of Studies:
- Students transferring to West Virginia University with an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will have satisfied the General Education Foundation requirements at WVU.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Advertising & Public Relations Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in General Studies: Communication or an Associate of Arts in General Studies: Media Studies.
- Students are encouraged to take MTH-1015 instead of MTH-1010 and are encouraged to use elective options to take SPA-1010 and SPA-1020.
- Possess a 2.0 grade point average.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Area of Emphasis Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.25
- Earn a C or better in the following courses: MTH-1200, MTH-1210, MTH-2200, MTH-2210, CHE-1200, CHE-1200L, ENG-1010, EGR-1100, PHY-2300.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical Area of Emphasis Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.25
- Earn a C or better in the following courses: MTH-1200, MTH-1210, MTH-2200, MTH-2210, CHE-1200, CHE-1200L, ENG-1010, EGR-1100, PHY-2300
- For the Agribusiness Management Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Completed the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Business Administration.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Business Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Completed the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Business Administration.
- Possess an overall GPA of 2.5.
- Students completing this proposed pathway may choose to major within one of the following John Chambers College of Business and Economics fields. Certain degree pathways have additional requirements for admittance:
- Accounting
- B or higher in both ACC 2020 & 2340
- C or higher in MTH 1560 or a grade of D in MTH 1200
- Economics
- One B or higher and one C or higher in ECN 2020 & 2025
- B or higher in MTH 1560 or a grade of C in MTH 1200
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Minimum of a D in MTH 1560 or MTH 1200
- Finance
- B or higher in both ECN 2020 and 2025
- B or higher MTH 1560 or a grade of C in MTH 1200
- General Business
- Minimum of a D in MTH 1560 or MTH 1200
- Global Supply Chain Management
- B or higher in MTH 1560 or C in MTH 1200
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Minimum of a D in MTH 1560 or MTH 1200
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Management
- Minimum of a C in MTH 1560 or D in MTH 1200
- Management Information Systems
- B or higher in MTH 1560 or C in MTH 1200
- Marketing
- C or higher in MTH 1560 or D in MTH 1200
- Organizational Leadership
- C or higher in MTH 1560 or D in MTH 1200
- Accounting
View our Bachelor of Science in Business Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with the Associate of Science in Mathematics and Sciences: Chemistry Concentration.
- Complete CHE-1200/L and CHE-1210/L with a grade of C or better.
- For the West Virginia University Institute of Technology Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with the Associate of Science in Mathematics and Sciences: Chemistry Concentration.
- Complete CHE-1200/L and CHE-1210/L with a grade of C or better.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with the Associate of Science in Mathematics and Sciences: Chemistry Concentration.
- Complete PHY-2200/L and PHY-2210/L prior to their first semester at West Virginia University.
- Complete CHE-1200/L and CHE-1210/L with a grade of C or better.
View our Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry Suggested Plan of Study
View our Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.75
- Earn a C or better in the following courses: MTH-1200, MTH-1210, MTH-2200, MTH-2210, CHE-1200, CHE-1200L, ENG-1010, EGR-1100, PHY-2200, PHY-2200L.
- Students can take ENGR-101 at West Virginia University Online prior to transferring while enrolled at CSM.
View our Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Science in Coaching and Performance Science Suggested Plans of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Exercise and Sport Science.
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Criminology Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in General Studies: Criminal Justice.
- For the Bachelor of Arts in English Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in General Studies: English.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Environmental & Energy Resource Management Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Business Administration.
- Stuednts are required to complete 12 credits of lab science for this major. Students are encouraged to take the listed science courses (BIO-1060/L and CHE-1200/L) during their time at College of Southern Maryland to allow for more flexibility while at West Virginia University.
VIEW OUR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Environmental and Energy Resource Management
- For the Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Psychology Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Exercise and Sport Science.
View our Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Psychology Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Geography Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences.
- Complete required coursework outlined in the pathway.
View our Bachelor of Arts in Geography Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Health and Well-Being Suggested Plan of Study and Bachelor of Science in Health and Well-Being Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Exercise and Sport Science.
- For the Bachelor of Arts in History Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: History.
- Completed required coursework outlined in the pathway.
View our Bachelor of Arts in History Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.25
- Earn a C or better in the following courses: MTH-1200, MTH-1210, MTH-2200, MTH-2210, CHE-1200, CHE-1200L, ENG-1010, EGR-1100, PHY-2300.
- For the Bachelor of Science in International Studies Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences.
- Complete all POL courses with a minimum grade of a C.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Journalism Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in General Studies: Communication or an Associate of Arts in General Studies: Media Studies.
- Students are encouraged to take MTH-1015 instead of MTH-1010 and are encouraged to use elective options to take SPA-1010 and SPA-1020.
- Possess a 2.0 grade point average.
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Mathematics and Sciences: Mathematics Concentration.
- Successfully pass MTH-1200 and MTH-1210 with a C or better.
- For the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Mathematics and Sciences: Mathematics Concentration.
- Successfully pass MTH-1200 and MTH-1210 with a C or better.
View our Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics Suggested Plan of Study
View our Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.25
- Earn a C or better in the following courses: MTH-1200, MTH-1210, MTH-2200, MTH-2210, CHE-1200, CHE-1200L, ENG-1010, EGR-1100, PHY-2300.
View our Mechanical Engineering - Dynamics Suggested Plan of Study
View our Mechanical Engineering - Energy Systems Suggested Plan of Study
View our Mechanical Engineering - Materials Science Suggested Plan of Study
View our Mechanical Engineering - Robotics Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Science in Nursing
- Possess a RN licensure
- Complete ENG-2010, ENG-2020, and MTH-1015 at the College of Southern Maryland
- This program is offered online.
- The WVU School of Nursing offers in-state tuition for all students enrolled in the RN-BSN program, regardless of residency.
- All registered nurses will transfer 50 hours of undifferentiated nursing credit based on RN licensure.
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Physics Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Earn a 2.2 GPA in all Mathematics and Physics courses
- For the Bachelor of Science in Physics Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Complete the required coursework outlined in the pathway.
- Earn a 2.2 GPA in all Mathematics and Physics courses
- Complete an Area of Emphasis in one fo the following:
- Computational Physics
- Medical Physics
- Physics Teaching
- Professional Preparation
- Space Physics
View our Bachelor of Arts in Physics Suggested Plan of Study
View our Bachelor of Science in Physics Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Science in Political Science Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences.
- Complete all POL courses with a minimum grade of a C.
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences
- Complete PSY-1010 with a C or better.
- Complete MTH-1120 (serves as a pre-requisite for PSYC-203 at WVU).
- Complete ECN-2020 in place of ECN-1200
- Complete PSY-2310
- Complete POL-1010
- For the Bachelor of Science in Psychology Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences
- Complete PSY-1010 with a C or better.
- Complete BIO-1060 and BIO-1060L as your Biological/Physical Science with Lab course.
- Complete BIO-1070 and BIO-1070L
- Complete MTH-1560 or MTH-1200
- Complete ECN-2020 in place of ECN-1200
- Complete PSY-2310
- Complete POL-1010
View our Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Suggetsed Plan of Study
View our Bachelor of Science in Psychology Suggetsed Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Addiction Studies Minor Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences
- Complete PSY-1010 with a C or better.
- Complete MTH-1120 (serves as a pre-requisite for PSYC-203 at WVU).
- Complete ECN-2020 in place of ECN-1200
- Complete PSY-2310
- Complete POL-1010
- For the Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Addiction Studies Minor Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences
- Complete PSY-1010 with a C or better.
- Complete BIO-1060 and BIO-1060L as your Biological/Physical Science with Lab course.
- Complete BIO-1070 and BIO-1070L
- Complete MTH-1560 or MTH-1200
- Complete ECN-2020 in place of ECN-1200
- Complete PSY-2310
- Complete POL-1010
View our Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Addiction Studies Minor Suggested Plan of Study
View our Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Addiction Studies Minor Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences.
- Complete SOC-1010 with a C or better.
- Complete SOC-2310.
- Complete ECN-2020 in place of ECN-1200.
- Complete POL-1010.
- Complete SOC-2110.
- Complete SOC-2100.
View our Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Science in Sport Management Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Science in Sport Management.
- Complete ECN-2020 instead of ECN-1200.
- Complete MTH-1010, MTH-1115, or MTH-1120 for the Mathematics general education requirement.
- Complete an Arts elective as an Elective course.
- Complete COM-1250 as Humanities general education requirement.
View our Bachelor of Science in Sport Management Suggested Plan of Study
- For the Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability Studies Suggested Plan of Study, CSM students must:
- Graduate with the Associate of Arts in Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences.
- Complete required coursework outlined in the pathway.
View our Bachelor of Arts in sustainability studies Suggested Plan of Study