American Public University
American Public University is a distinguished university providing quality and career-relevant online education to motivated students worldwide. We are dedicated to bringing students like you respected and affordable programs that can be completed in a flexible online format. When you choose APU, you join a community of students, alumni, and faculty dedicated to their professions and to lifelong learning.
Students can save up to
by completing their associate degree at College of Southern Maryland and then finishing up at American Public University System (based on average costs 2020-21).
- Rolling Admissions
- Online Campus
- Physical Address:
111 West Congress Street Charles Town, West Virginia 25414 - Phone:
(877) 755-2787
Articulated Program Requirements:
- To qualify for the Accounting Agreementt, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Applied Science in Accounting.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- For admission to the Associate-to-Bachelor's Nursing Agreement, CSM students must:
- Meet application requirements for CSM as a degree seeking student during the time they are enrolled in the AS degree portion of the curriculum.
- Meet the application requirements of APU as a degree-seeking student during the entire time they are enrolled in the Associate to Bachelor's option.
- Dually enroll at CSM and APU for the time period during which they are earning their AS degree in Nursing.
- Pass the NCLEX-RN examination on the first attempt, at the completion of their AS degree, in order to continue to the next well.
- Complete an application for transfer admission to APU upon acceptance into the Associate to Bachelor's option.
- To qualify for the Business Administration to Business Administration Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Business Administration.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Business Administration: Technical Management to Business Agreementt, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Business Administration: Technical Management.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Business Administration: Technical Management to Management Agreementt, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Business Administration: Technical Management.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Business Management to Business Administration Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Applied Science in Business Management.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Business Management to Management Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Applied Science in Business Management.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Communication Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Arts in General Studies: Communication.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Criminal Justice Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Applied Science in Law Enforcement.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- NOTE: Articulated Tech Prep and Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy credit will be accepted and articulated in lieu of the course it fulfilled at CSM.
- To qualify for the Guaranteed Admission Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with the A.A. or A.S. degree on or after May 1, 2013.
- To qualify for the Health Information Management Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Management.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Homeland Security Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Applied Science in Homeland Security.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the Hospitality Management Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Applied Science in Hospitality Management.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- To qualify for the RN to BSN Nursing Agreement, CSM students must:
- Graduate from CSM with an Associate of Science in Nursing.
- Earn a grade of "C" or better in each course for which the student desires transfer credits.
- Possess an current active, unencumbered registered nursing license.
Articulated Program Benefits:
- For the Guaranteed Admission Memorandum of Understanding (MOU),
- CSM students may concurrently take courses at both institutions.
- CSM students may participate in reverse transfer to complete their associate Degree if they have not already done so.
- All full-time employees will receive a graduate studies book grant.
- No application fee.
- Transcript evaluation fee waived if partnership is mentioned.
- Technology fee waiver provided as of March 2019.
- CSM employees can receive a 5% tuition discount at APUS.
View our Associate-to-Bachelor's Nursing Agreement
View Our Business Administration to Business Administration Agreement
View Our Business Administration: Technical Management to Business Agreement
View Our Business Administration: Technical Management to Management Agreement
View Our Business Management to Business Administration Agreement
View Our Business Management to Management Agreement
View Our Communication Agreement
View our Criminal Justice Agreement
View Our Guaranteed Admission Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
View our Health Information Management Agreement
View our Homeland Security Agreement
- I am receiving federal or state financial aid. How will participating in APUS'svATB Program impact my financial aid? While you are taking classes at CSM and American Public University System at the same time, your financial aid will be processed through APUS's financial aid office. You should contact APUS's financial aid office to see what options are available to assist with your CSM and APUS courses. You are responsible for making payment arrangements for your CSM classes directly, as APUS will not send any payment to CSM on your behalf.
- I am receiving Veterans' Benefits to assist with paying for my tuition. How will participating in APUS's ATB Program impact my VA Benefits? While you are taking classes at CSM and APUS at the same time, your classes at both institutions can be submitted to the VA for payment, provided the courses are required for your bachelor’s degree program. You should contact both APUS and CSM’s veterans offices to determine how to use your VA benefits for your APUS and CSM classes.