Student Success Resources
During your first semester at CSM you will be experiencing many exciting and challenging opportunities. We want to ensure you get comfortable on campus and connect with the resources needed to be successful.
Use the links on this page to connect to the resources for FYE seminar course and throughout your first year.
FYS Course Resources
Career Coach
- CSM Career Coach is designed to help you find a career by providing the most current local data on wages, employment, job postings, and associated CSM degrees and training. You will begin by creating an account. After your account is created, click on the Take a Career Assessment link and select the '60 question assessment' button. After you complete the career assessment, you will have access to career and degree resources. You can also create a resume using the Resume Builder.
Student Success Videos
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey
- Study Less Study Smart: A 6-minute Summary of Marty Lobdell's Lecture
- Time Management: The Keys to Mastering your Time, Owen Fitzpatrick
- 10 Study Tips for Earning an A on Your Next Exam - College Info Geek
Student Success Online Workshops
Financial Aid TV
Transfer Services Online Videos
Library Guides
Expectations of your Professors:
- An understanding that college is a learning environment in which you take responsibility for thinking through and applying what you have learned
- Get to know your instructors, they are your single greatest resource: email, attend office hours, contact information is listed in the course syllabus
- Ask questions for clarification and understanding
- Read your syllabus thoroughly and ask questions for clarification
- Understand the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, when assignments are due, and how you will be graded
- Review course due dates and exam dates and annotate on your personal calendar
- Attend class regularly, arrive on-time and stay for the entire class; do not miss class except for emergencies, missing even one class in college is like missing an entire week of class in high school
- Bring your required materials to class
- Be attentive and actively participate in class, be an active learner in the classroom as well as out by participating in group discussions, and asking and answering questions
- Listen and take notes
- Set near the front of the classroom whenever possible
- Be prepared for each class: read your textbooks and additional resources prior to coming to class
- Get to know your classmates, form study groups, chat often, share resources when necessary
- Turn your cell phone on to vibrate prior to coming to class and only use your cell phone for class related activities, minimize distractions
- Emailing, texting and other forms of communication should be done on a class break time, excuse yourself from class if you have an emergency
- An understanding that college academics is demanding and most classes require 2-3 hours of homework or study time each week. You should plan to meet the requirements of each class and manage your time effectively to succeed.
- Be self-motivated and self-disciplined to complete assignments
- Keep track of your academic progress
- Submit course work on-time
- When assigned to collaborate with other students, you are obligated to make meaningful contributions to the group’s efforts
- Balance you time well between coursework, work, family, activities, and build in flexibility to your schedule
- You will be assigned substantial amounts of reading and writing which may be directly addressed in class
- Professors may not remind you of incomplete work and may not check completed homework, but they will assume you can perform the same tasks on exams
- Obtain notes from missed classes from fellow classmates
- Be respectful of your peers
- Testing is usually infrequent and cumulative, covering large amounts of material, makeup tests are seldom an option
- An understanding that grades on tests and major paper/projects usually provide most of the course grade
- Plagiarism is never acceptable on papers or assignments and resources should be cited
- Taking advantage of tutoring, workshops, and library resources to assist with classroom learning and success