Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education, or Co-op Education, is a course option that allows students to earn academic credit for work experience in their program of study.
Choose an Option to Learn More
Visit the links to find out more about a co-op course in your major and the pre-registration process. Send an email to co-op with any questions you might have.
Co-op Student Guide
This document is designed to assist you with the transition from the academic environment of the CSM campus to the employment environment of your worksite. This guide is targeted at students who are currently registered for Cooperative Education (Co-op Education) in their respective program of study.
Download the Co-op Education Student Guide (.pdf)
Co-op Education Course List
When planning your class schedule for the semester in which you are taking a co-op course, register for your other courses at the earliest opportunity. The co-op pre-registration process takes time. Co-op courses are scheduled on a flexible schedule and may impact your other course choices and schedule (please refer to the co-op checklist for the course you are interested in). Students who wait for co-op approval before they register for all other classes could jeopardize available time slots and locations in those other classes. Co-op approval could take up to eight weeks so make sure you submit your intake form at least eight weeks before the semester you plan to take the course.
Choose a co-op course below to view the pre-registration checklist:
- Accounting: ACC 2910
- Business Administration: BAD 1910, BAD 2910
- Communication: COM 2910
- Construction Management: CNT 2915
- Criminal Justice: CJS 2910
- Early Childhood Development: EDU 1910 or EDU 2910
- Engineering Technology: EGT 2910
- Graphic Design: ART 1330 or ART 1340
- Human Services: HMS 2910
- Information Technology: ITS 2910 or ITS 2900 - CAPSTONE
- Political Science: POL 2910
- Sociology: SOC 2910
Co-op Intake Form
After reviewing the pre-registration checklist, your next step is completing the co-op intake form. For most co-op courses, you must have identified and secured a site. Submitting a co-op intake form does not obligate you to take the course. It simply lets the advisor know that you are interested in finding out more about co-op. The sooner you get started the better. If you have not identified a co-op site, please wait to complete the intake form.
If you are seeking highly motivated employees trained for success in their field, Cooperative Education (Co-op Education) is designed to fit that need. Co-op students have an academic background in the latest skills and trends. They represent a local pool of talented and highly qualified candidates for jobs ranging from temporary to full-time. For more information on our co-op courses and students, please access the links for employers. The Career Services staff will be happy to discuss how this program will be of value to your organization.
Employer Guide
If you are an employer who seeks highly motivated employees trained for success in their field, Cooperative Education (Co-op Education) is for you. Co-op Education is an academic course that allows the student to apply classroom theory in a real-world work environment. Students who participate in Co-op Education have taken prerequisite coursework in their chosen field of study. The Co-op Education program allows both the student and the employer to utilize the benefits of that academic training.
Download the Employer Guide (.pdf)
How to Post a Job or Internship
Employers may list an open job with CSM for free by using CSM's College Central Network.
How to Register to Use College Central Network - For Employers
- Employers must register to use College Central Network before posting a job opening.
- Click on the College Central Network link above.
- Click the Employer icon.
- First-timers click Register (bottom of the screen).
- Enter your demographic information, create an Access ID and then click Register again. You must include an email address to view online résumés.
- Within 48 hours you will receive a password from College Central Network on behalf of CSM Career Services.
How to Post a Job Opening
- Employers must register to use College Central Network before posting a job opening.
- Click on the College Central Network link above.
- Click the Employer icon.
- Click Job Postings and Résumé Searches.
- Choose the Access Account option.
- Input the access ID that you established at registration and the password assigned by College Central Network.
- Begin listing job opportunities and searching for qualified employees!
Problems Logging In
If you have problems accessing your account, contact Career Services at