Environmental Education Community College Collaboration (E2C3)
- Apply for a paid research internship at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in Solomons, MD.
- Join a professional scientific research team while still a CSM freshman or sophomore.
- Explore opportunities in research science and gain valuable, career-enhancing experience.
- Past interns have gone on to 4-year colleges and graduate school, given presentations at professional scientific meetings, and learned important lab skills.
Multiple challenges can constrain opportunities for community college STEM students. These include financial challenges, unfamiliarity with traditional pathways to science careers, societal barriers, and the lack of access to hands-on research. E2C3 addresses those challenges by providing immersive, experiential learning, emphasizing discovery, developing self-direction, and transcending the typical undergraduate experience.
In addition to acquiring experience in cutting-edge research early in their college careers, E2C3 students form invaluable relationships with professors, mentors, graduate students, and all segments of an integrated research team. Our goal is to support several salaried interns this year. We encourage serious STEM students to apply.
"The time I spent working with CBL helped strengthen my passion for the sciences and confirmed to me that research is the career path I want. It also provided the kind of experience that can be very hard to obtain in a community college setting." – Cameron Allen, Intern 2018