'Clear the Clutter' so Others Can do the Important Work to Help Students Succeed Says CSM President During Recent Podcast

College of Southern Maryland (CSM) President Dr. Maureen Murphy recently spent time with 'The EdUpExperience' podcast host Dr. Joe Sallustio to discuss the value of community colleges, her journey as a community college president, and explained that the role of a college president is to "clear the clutter" so that faculty and staff can lean in further to help all students succeed.
"As for the future of higher education, I am optimistic," said Murphy. "There are some phenomenal young folks coming up who have the fire in the belly. They will figure it out and they will do things for the right reasons. It's going to be a whole different world [post pandemic], but I am optimist about community colleges because I believe we will adapt more quickly. We're used to doing that; we're pretty creative."
Listen to the entire interview at https://www.edupexperience.com/MaureenMurphy/.