Do you have a proposal to better serve our students, or facilitate collaboration within the college? Do you have an idea, but want to brainstorm more about it?
Sign up at for an Info-Innovation coaching and conversation discussion the first Wednesday of the month at Noon.
Not sure if your idea is already being done? Looking for guidance on idea formation? Send an email to
Past Faculty and Staff Hawk Pitches
Veterans Academic Day
Hawk Pitch Submitted By: Anthony Stout
To establish an annual Veterans' Day event at the College of Southern Maryland, providing veterans with an opportunity to bring their service records for a comprehensive review. The event will engage veteran faculty and staff as advisors and evaluators, facilitating a thorough examination of potential courses eligible for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). The goal is to streamline the transition of veterans into academic programs while offering enrollment opportunities and financial guidance through discussions with Financial Advisors.
Approx. 10 Departments at CSM collaborated - Admissions, Advising, Disability Support Services, Financial Aid, Hawk Hub, Learning Support Services, Marketing, Operations, Registrar, Veteran Faculty Member -- Bought staff/faculty t-shirts that advertise CSM support for veterans as well
Goal: To create a space where students, staff, and the community can come to learn and grow together.
Something that is unique to the garden is the chance, through Farming 4 Hunger, to conduct team building exercises for groups of students, staff, and the community. An average team building experience takes approximately 3 hours and has shown, through research, to improve one another’s view of themselves, others, and the world.
The garden has already begun but we want to create a pathway to the garden that's accessible by everyone (see below). Having ADA access to the garden is very important and it allows it to truly be a community garden.
Outcome: Concrete pathways were funded to make the garden ADA accessible and available
to use by everyone.
Hawk Electronic Music Recording (EMR) Studio and Laboratory
Hawk Pitch Submitted By: Brent Ferguson
Staff person left before launching project
Electronic Dean's List Certificate
Hawk Pitch Submitted By: Carol Harrison
Students will be emailed an electronic copy of a Dean's List certificate when they earn's this designation. Currently nothing is sent to students when they earn Dean's List, except when it is posted in the local papers.Approximately 2700 students earn the Dean's list every year.
Home Education to Higher Education - Bridging the Gap
Hawk Pitch Submitted By: Shaunda Holt
We would like to provide the Southern Maryland homeschool community with scholarship opportunities for students to engage in hands on classes on CSM’s college campus. These scholarships will reduce the financial burden for parents, offer students a great first college experience, and help bring back homeschool students from our piloted program which started fall of 2019.
Achieve Calm and Learn On
Hawk Pitch Submitted By: Judi Ferrara
To implement a holistic approach toward student academic wellness, success, and retention.
Utilize evidence-based, sustainable, and effective mental health mind-body resources for CSM students, faculty, staff and community.
Provide an opportunity for personal and professional development to volunteer faculty and staff.
Create a safe, calm place for students, faculty and staff to practice mindfulness (i.e., sensory garden, labyrinth, etc.)
October 3 - "From Idea to Enterprise: Becoming an Entrepreneur"
Join Guest Speaker, Marjorie Cota, Director of Entrepreneurial Services at bwtech, bringing years of entrepreneurial experience working with companies of various sizes and industries.