Dual in School
Dual Enrollment classes are offered in many area high schools through partnerships with the school or county school systems.
You can receive college credits for successfully completing eligible courses, regardless of grade level, and you’ll take these classes in your high school classroom instead of at a CSM campus.
Available in-school Dual Enrollment courses vary by high school and may include subjects such as honors composition and rhetoric, pre-calculus, and upper-level algebra.
Speak with your high school counselor about which Dual Enrollment classes are offered at your high school.
Please note that in-school Dual Enrollment is not the same as the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) program.
Homeschool, private school, and out-of-county students are not eligible for CSM’s in-school Dual Enrollment classes. As an alternative, consider taking Dual Enrollment classes on a CSM campus.
Registration for eligible in-school Dual Enrollment classes occurs midway through the academic year; specific dates will vary by high school. To enroll in in-school Dual Enrollment, complete the following steps during your school’s registration period.
1. Apply
CSM now offers a convenient online registration process for in-school Dual Enrollment classes using DualEnroll.com.
Create a DualEnroll Account Here
Sign up for a free DualEnroll account by selecting “Create My Account” and following the prompts. When you create your account, be sure to use a personal email address instead of a high school student email address.
Verify your account by following the link in the confirmation email.
Once you’ve verified your account, complete your high school’s Dual Enrollment application through the DualEnroll platform.
Keep a close eye on your email inbox. Updates on your application process will be sent only to the email address connected to your DualEnroll account.
2. Check College Readiness
Once you submit your application, you’ll be able to see a list of CSM courses that correspond to Dual Enrollment courses offered at your high school. Find the course that matches the subject(s) you’re currently enrolled in at your high school, and select “Register” to start the registration process.
Your high school instructor will review your application to verify that you meet all the eligibility requirements to participate in Dual Enrollment.
No additional documentation is required from you to demonstrate your readiness for college-level coursework.
3. Finalize Registration
Your high school and CSM will take over from here; you don’t need to do any more at this point. When your high school instructor approves you for the Dual Enrollment classes you selected, CSM will process your course registration. You’ll receive an email confirmation when the process is complete.