CSM Newsroom

University of Maryland Baltimore County President Emeritus Speaks at CSM

February 17, 2025
President Hrabowski (right)

The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) welcomed Freeman Hrabowski III, President Emeritus of University of Maryland Baltimore County, Jan. 29 at its La Plata Campus where he delivered CSM’s first Master Leadership Class to executive, senior, and student leaders using his book, The Empowered University. 

Drawing from his own life experiences, Hrabowski shared guidance, emphasizing the significant power of learning and education, and that success is attainable for anyone, regardless of their background.  

Maryland Sen. Arthur Ellis, his wife Rosalind, and their son Myles, introduced Hrabowski to the audience. Myles Ellis attended University of Maryland Baltimore County as a Meyerhoff Scholar and is now pursuing his doctorate at Brown University in Rhode Island.   

“Dr. Hrabowski is an evangelist for success for everyone,” the senator said. “He inspires you and when you leave his presence you think, ‘I am going to really do better in life.’” 

During the session, Hrabowski shared with the audience the adage of, “Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”    

Myisha Sudler, executive assistant in the CSM Office of the President, came away from the talk feeling inspired and full of hope.   

Hrabowski “passionately declared that teachers touch eternity through their students and reinforced that, regardless of title, we are all teachers,” Sudler said.   

 “Every member of the CSM community plays a vital role in the successful execution of our new strategic plan,” she added. Hrabowski “challenged us to reflect on who we are as an institution, who we inspire, and how we can lead with integrity and authenticity. His message was clear: We must be honest with ourselves and strive for excellence in all that we do — for ourselves and for the students,” she said.    

 With philanthropists Robert and Jane Meyerhoff, Hrabowski co-founded the Meyerhoff Scholars Program in 1988. The program is open to high-achieving students committed to pursuing graduate and professional degrees and research careers in STEM and advancing underrepresented minorities in these fields.  

In addition to speaking, Dr. Hrabowski and his wife, Jacqueline, recently donated $100,000 to establish the Dexter Bordes Scholarship Fund in honor of their brother-in-law who was on the college’s foundation board.  

Bordes passed away Sept. 21, 2024, and served on the CSM Foundation Board of Directors from 2019 to June 2024.  

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