Real Students, Real Stories: CSM Helps Mohammed Houmran Pursue His Dream to Help Others Succeed

College of Southern Maryland (CSM) psychology student Mohammed Houmran hasn’t let the obstacles of life deter him from working toward his goal to help others succeed – and he credits CSM for helping him get back on track with his education to make his dreams come true.
His story began in Montgomery County where the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 interrupted his high school education as classes moved online, so he transferred to an accelerated online self-paced homeschool program with the hope of graduating early. However, a family emergency emerged and Houmran had to leave the country. And then there was a death in the family.
When he returned to the United States, he helped his parents with their new restaurant venture in Charles County, requiring him to work 12-hour shifts, seven days a week. His parents own a popular restaurant in Waldorf called Momi’s Kitchen. Houmran quickly became no stranger to working long hours at the family restaurant.
“The last thing I wanted to do when I came home was to work on school,” he shared. “It was then that I realized working 90 hours a week was no way to live or provide for myself or my future family which I hope to have,” he recently told an audience attending the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new James C. Mitchell Student Resource Center at CSM’s La Plata Campus.
So, without a high school diploma in hand, Houman applied to CSM and began his journey to pursuit his passion in the field of psychology.
“I followed the steps and the next thing I know I was enrolled for my first semester in college,” he said in a later interview. “Since coming to CSM, I feel like my needs are put first. CSM provides opportunities and resources that have allowed me to get back on track. Throughout all the major setbacks, CSM opened a door for me that I thought was closed.
“If I were to say anything to someone in a similar situation, I would say it’s never too late. Take the first step and submit the application,” he continued. “CSM is highly inclusive regardless of circumstances and is an excellent opportunity to begin your career.”
Houmran now also works at CSM’s Hawk Hub “where I get to put other students first and help them accomplish their goals and daily tasks in moving forward.” The Hawk Hub provides a centralized location for most student services. The hub helped more than 49,000 students last year and 2,800 of those visits were in person.
“Whether we are introducing Early College students to the foreign environment that is a college campus or reintroducing our adult learners to the rapidly advancing technological environment of the modern-day school system, the Hawk Hub is equipped and capable of helping a large range of students regardless of circumstance,” Houmran shared.
“We help students – like me – bounce back from unexpected circumstances and unfortunate setbacks,” he continued. “We empower students and equip them with life skills and teach them self-advocacy, so they not only help themselves, but help others now and moving forward. We help students plan their academic career within CSM and for years afterward,” he said.
Houmran’s goal in life is to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
“We live in a world filled with constant challenges, and I want to help people see that peace, love, and understanding still exist,” he shared. “Many in our communities are struggling with financial hardships, health issues, and other stressors. I aspire to create spaces where those who feel isolated or unsupported can find compassion, care, and a sense of belonging. My mission is to show people that they are not alone, and that there are people who genuinely want to help and listen.”