Maryland Community College System Ranks Best in the U.S.; CSM Places 57th out of 653 Nationwide

The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) ranks as the 57th best overall community college among the 653 community colleges that were ranked nationwide based on 18 key indicators of cost and quality, according to WalletHub’s Aug. 13 report. WalletHub's data set ranges from the cost of in-state tuition and fees to the student-faculty ratio and graduation rate.
In addition, the personal finance company reported that Maryland has the best community college system in the United States and CSM sits in the middle of the pack coming in 8th best among the state’s 16 community colleges.
WalletHub based its rankings on three main factors, including cost and financing, education outcomes, and career outcomes. Using 18 total metrics, each school was graded on a scale of 100. College of Southern Maryland’s overall score was 64.01 as compared to the nation’s top-ranked community college Manhattan Area Technical College in Kansas which earned a score of 70.63
“We are delighted with the findings of WalletHub’s latest community college rankings, quantifying what we already know – that Maryland community colleges are the best in the nation,” said CSM President Dr. Yolanda Wilson. “We know that CSM offers an outstanding educational foundation for students, enabling them on pathways to possibility and success. As we are currently launching our new five-year strategic plan entitled ‘Built for Success,’ we will continue to improve in our rankings and student success outcomes because maintaining a student-first culture is at the heart of everything we do.”
“Community colleges offer students the ability to get higher education without having as much financial strain,” WalletHub stated. “During the 2023 to 2024 academic year, tuition and fees for full-time, in-state enrollment at a public two-year college averaged just $3,990 per year. Compare that to $11,260 at a public four-year institution and $41,540 at a four-year private school.”
“Community colleges also have a number of other attractive qualities. They often provide flexible schedules, small class sizes and rigorous coursework,” the report said.
“A good community college minimizes costs for students while also providing an enriching learning experience that leads to high student retention and high graduation rates,” said Cassandra Happe, WalletHub analyst. “The best colleges also help their students even post-graduation by offering employment services to help them find jobs with good salaries. Finally, many of the best community colleges realize school isn’t the only place people learn, so they offer credit for life experiences,” she said.
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