January Events Highlight Commencement, Early College, Military Support, the ‘Big Conversation’

Nursing Recognition Ceremony. Jan. 11, 2-3 p.m. La Plata Campus, Physical Education Center (PE Building), Gym. CSM’s newest nursing graduates will celebrate their accomplishments during the Nursing Recognition Ceremony, where they will receive their nursing pins. The traditional pinning ceremony symbolizes a rite of passage into the professional world of nursing and the nurse’s commitment to those they care for. Free. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/01/nursing-recognition-2024.html.
Health Career Readiness Recognition Ceremony. Jan. 11, 6-7 p.m. La Plata Campus, Physical Education Center (PE Building), Gym. Students who have chosen to pursue health careers will be celebrated at the Health Career Readiness Recognition Ceremony. Students will be given pins as a sign of welcome and acceptance into their professions. Free. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/01/health-readiness-2024.html.
Winter 2024 Commencement. Jan. 12. 10 a.m., School of Liberal Arts; 1 p.m., School of Professional and Technical Studies; 4 p.m., School of Science and Health. La Plata Campus, Physical Education Center (PE Building). Join the CSM community in congratulating graduates on reaching a noteworthy academic milestone that deserves to be celebrated. Please note that all physical campus locations will be closed for in-person services in celebration of our graduates for the Commencement ceremonies being held at the La Plata Campus. Student support services, CSM business, and classes will operate virtually during this time. Free. https://www.csmd.edu/student-services/registrar/graduation/.
College Closed for Martin Luther King Day. Jan. 15. All campuses will close for Martin Luther King Day Jan. 15. The college will reopen Jan. 16. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2023/01/mlk-holiday.html.
American Legion Information Session for Military - Connected Students. Jan. 17. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Leonardtown Campus, Building C, Room 114. This session will help veterans with the American Legion, employment opportunities, how to file VA claims, and any other VA resources. Free. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/01/connected-military-students-session-01-17.html.
Charles County Early College Program Information Night. Jan. 17. 6 p.m. North Point High School. Rising juniors and seniors at all public high schools are invited to learn more about the Charles County Early College program, a tuition-free program that is an opportunity to experience being a full-time college student, save money, and complete college credits while still in high school. Free. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/01/early-college-information-session-17.html.
Charles County Early College Program Information Night. Jan. 18. 6 p.m. St. Charles High School. Rising juniors and seniors at all public high schools are invited to learn more about the Charles County Early College program, a tuition-free program that is an opportunity to experience being a full-time college student, save money, and complete college credits while still in high school. Free. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/01/early-college-information-session-18.html.
The Big Conversation Forum: “The Racial Wealth Gap: Rooted in Land and Home Ownership.” Jan. 28. 2 – 5 p.m. Middleham and St. Peter’s Parish Smith Hall, 10210 HG Trueman Road, Lusby, Md., 20657. Join the Big Conversation Partners in Dismantling Racism and Privilege in Southern Maryland for a forum on the racial wealth gap. How does land and home ownership play a role? How did the gap start, what are the issues today, and how do our local systems and policies perpetuate it? How does the wealth gap affect the individual and communities? What can we do about it? Listen to the story of one local family’s struggle; hear from a panel of experts familiar with the problems in obtaining land and home ownership in Southern Maryland; join small group break-out sessions with trained facilitators; and share important insights from the small groups. Working together we can increase the awareness of the long-term social, cultural, emotional and health effects of the wealth gap on individuals and society. By seeing the unseen in Southern Maryland, we can then push for better understanding and resources to address the need for closing the wealth gap and housing in our community. Free, pre-registration required. Seats are limited. Register at https://calvertlibrary.libnet.info/event/9681588.