CSM Highlights Students’ Contributions; Swears In New Student Government Officers

The current and future leaders of the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Student Government Association (SGA) were recently celebrated at an annual banquet where new officers were sworn in, awards were given and everyone passed the evening “dancing through the decades.”
Incoming SGA officers who will serve CSM students for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year include:
La Plata Campus:
President - Diante Keita
Vice President - Dashawn Rustin
Secretary - Denzel Chance
Treasurer - Alvin Abarca
Representative - Marlon Charles
Representative - Thomas Milling
Leonardtown Campus:
President - Genesis Ingal
Vice President - Joseph Wolpert
Secretary - Nina Deceuninckvancapelle
Treasurer - Gabriela Gomero Toscano
Representative - Aiden Kelly
Representative - Cristian Enarson
Representative - Danah Edrada
Prince Frederick Campus:
President - Ava Wilson
Secretary - Markala Pharr
Treasurer - Mimi Rivers
Representative - Diallo Taylor
Representative - Kathyrn Dolan
“I hope everyone in this room understands the true impact you have all made at CSM, and in the lives of your fellow students, through your leadership and involvement in SGA and our clubs,” said CSM President Dr. Yolanda Wilson. “You’re the heartbeat of our students’ social community, and I am so very grateful for all you’ve done, and for what I know you are going to continue to do in our larger Southern Maryland community.”
Wilson also presented her coveted President’s Cup, which is given to an outstanding student leader who has demonstrated the ability to motivate and lead others, has given their time and talents to better the college community and has been actively involved in the college’s extracurricular programs. This year, two President’s Cups were awarded.
The first went to Jalynn Somerville, president and founder of the Math Club. She is also a dually enrolled student, the youngest serving member of the Math Club, and a tutor at CSM’s Math Resource Center.
"Her enthusiasm for math is contagious and it is one of the reasons why those who attend the [Math club] meetings keep coming back,” shared Wilson. “Her subtle yet commanding leadership style displays responsibility and sensitivity for all members of the Math Club. I have no doubt Jalynn will continue to be successful in her next endeavor and the Math Club has been lucky to have her as she will be missed.”
The second President’s Cup was awarded to Genesis Ingal, the head of the Leonardtown Campus Association and the president of the collegewide SGA.
Through his leadership, Ingal has helped to improve food options on all campuses as well as students’ desire for the increased availability of 15-week courses. He currently serves on the Maryland Higher Education Council; whose mission is to establish statewide policies for Maryland public and private colleges and universities. He has provided oral testimony before the Maryland Senate's Education, Energy and Environment Committee.
“It has been my honor to work closely with Genesis and to cultivate our shared vision for the students here at CSM, and the students yet to come to CSM,” said Wilson. “I have watched first-hand as Genesis has put himself in the community, before thought-leaders, partners, and elected officials to share CSM’s vision to provide outstanding programming and support services to meet the needs of all the college's students. I am certain that this Genesis will continue to achieve great things in his future. He is truly a stand-out individual, who will impress everyone he meets.”
Other SGA awards announced were:
Student Employee of the Year: Ricky Jiang
Club of the Year: Volunteer Squad
Club Advisor of the Year: Michelle Christian
Vice President's Cup: Denzel Chance