CSM Hawks Make Paw-sitive Impact for Shelter Pets

College of Southern Maryland (CSM) students shared some #CSMLove with shelter animals during a visit to the Charles County Humane Society Feb. 20.
Students Marlon Charles, Alvin Abarca, Sienna Scott and Kiley Tewell, pictured above with 11-month-old pup Skye, walked adoptable dogs eager to explore the area around the shelter, and gave them much-needed playtime and affection. The students also spent time in the cat room playing with and petting the resident felines to get them used to human companionship.
In addition to the joy that the students said they took from the animals (and vice versa), spending time with animals has proven benefits. In 2021, “Science Daily” reported that “petting therapy dogs improved stressed-out students' thinking and planning skills more effectively than programs that included traditional stress-management information.”
“We’re hoping to make this a more regular thing, and maybe bring some animals to campus, too,” shared La Plata Campus Association Secretary Kiley Tewell.
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