CSM Professors Recognize Exceptional Students at Academic Excellence Award Reception

“Every year I say that the achievements of our students can’t be topped. Well, it was topped tonight.”
Exceptional students from the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) recently gathered with their mentors, family and friends at the La Plata Campus 10 to celebrate their academic achievements. Professors heaped praise on their students—with passion and even, at times, poetry — noting that the students “gave [them] hope for the future,” “is the kind of student we all want to have,” and “made CSM a better place by being here.”
Student awardees include an art student who has drawn the interest of art collectors, a writer who is already working in CSM’s division of student equity and success, an electrical engineer who moonlights as a rock star in a local band, and a Health Information Management student who received the highest score in CSM history on her mock certification exam.
“I know the sacrifices the students have made to be here,” said CSM President Dr. Yolanda Wilson in her opening remarks. “They understood the importance of excelling. We are very proud of you.”
CSM Provost and Vice President of Learning Dr. Rodney Redmond followed Wilson to offer his own words of wisdom for the students.
“In many ways, your journey is just beginning, because while your plan may be to transfer, or take a gap year, or go directly to work, those are only the most immediate of possibilities,” he said. “We all share a great hope and deep faith that those immediate steps will be successful ones for you. But what we also most hope for is that when you have learned here is that your achievements at CSM never really end. You will continue to challenge yourself to learn, to develop new capacities for curiosity and wonder, to engage in your community and the world in deep and constructive ways, that you will think critically about what you read and how you know.”
The keynote speaker for the event was Dr. Richard Bilsker, the recipient of CSM's 2022 Faculty Excellence Award. He discussed two ways that philosophers have approached the meaning of life: one view says that you should seek simple pleasures and avoid pain; the other says to train yourself to not be affected by the whims of life.
“Both of these give advice that can be helpful,” he advised the students. “Neither is easy. Little in life is.”
Following Bilsker’s remarks, Kimberley Donnelly was named as the 2023 recipient of the Faculty Excellence award by Faculty Excellence Committee Chair Dr. Melanie Osterhouse. Donnelly is a professor of English, specializing in developmental reading and writing. As a first-generation college graduate herself, Donnelly is uniquely suited to help first-year students navigate the higher education process with a focus on student success.
CSM Associate Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Chair of the Visual and Performing Arts Dr. Stephen Johnson was the master of ceremonies for the divisional awards. Students were awarded by faculty members and Melanie Miller, the daughter of the late Maryland Senator Thomas V. Mike Miller, who joined students on stage for the presentation of the Thomas V. Mike Miller Center for Leadership Award.
“I’ve been doing this for a long time, and every year I say that the achievements of our students can’t be topped,” Johnson said. “Well, it was topped tonight.”
A full list of winners is below.
School of Liberal Arts
Outstanding Achievement in History: Amy Dolan
Outstanding Achievement in Teacher Education: Kurstyn Hamilton
Outstanding Achievement in Early Childhood Development: Leomie Brown
Outstanding Achievement in the Social Sciences: Makayla Butler
Outstanding Art Student of the Year: Donna Vance
Distinguished Honors in Music: Carter Falkenstein
John Lamiman Writing Award: Makayla Butler
Wayne Karlin Award for Creative Writing: Marie-Pearl Opoku
Distinguished Honors in Communication: Ella Grace Mosch
Thomas V. Mike Miller Center for Leadership Award: Sarah Angay. Areeba Asim Zeeshan Asim, Danielle Barber, Amber Bias, Abbie Dampier, Briana Garcia, Amber Gieske, Lydia Morris, Faith Pritchard, Dwight Stephens
School of Professional and Technical Studies
George Flynn Memorial Accounting Award: Sharon Oby
Business Administration Academic Excellence Award: Areeba Asim
Business Management Academic Excellence Award: Lauren Davis
Outstanding Information Services Technology Student: Jovohnny Lewis
Outstanding Cloud and Information Technology Student: Eric Hoffmann
Outstanding Computer Science Student: Cameron Vinson
Outstanding Cybersecurity Student: Taylor Knowlton
Ed Shauf Award for Outstanding Criminal Justice Student: Sarah Angay
Outstanding Mathematics Student: Ryan Goldsmith
Outstanding Progress in Mathematics: Caroline Danielson
Outstanding Computer Engineering Student: Ebin Sebastian
Outstanding Electrical Engineering Student: Eli Guzzone
School of Science and Health
Academic Achievement in Nursing: Madison Harris
Achievement in Nursing: Ella Videgla
Outstanding Physical Therapist Assistant Graduate: Heather Hamtak
Outstanding Health Information Management Graduate: Shalaunda Jefferson
Outstanding Sport Management Graduate: Jack Carver
Outstanding Achievement in Biology: Amber Gieske
Outstanding Achievement in First Year of Chemistry: Leo Brower and Ryan Goldsmith
Outstanding Physics Student: Kevin Winters
Outstanding Environmental Sciences Student: Anya Dziura
To view and download photos from the CSM Student Excellence Awards Reception, visit: https://csmphoto.zenfolio.com/23aeawards.