“Help a Hawk” at CSM During 'Giving Tuesday' Nov. 29

Help the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Foundation kick off a season of giving by participating in the college’s “Giving Tuesday” event as part of the world’s biggest day of generosity on Tuesday, Nov. 29. The 24-hour online event is part of an international movement that follows Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, to highlight a season and spirit of kindness that focuses on giving to others after three days fixated on consumerism.
“The Help a Hawk fund keeps students on track when they are struggling, because no student should have to choose between affording to live and affording to learn,” said CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy. “Since this fund was established, hundreds of students have received care packages, tuition assistance, gas money, technology, and educational supplies. Please join us by contributing to this fund during this season of giving, and help our students stay successful.”
Last year, the CSM Foundation had its most successful Giving Tuesday ever, with $157,551 raised for student success with the help of 373 supporters.
“We are so grateful for the faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the college who come out every year to support our number one goal, which is to help our students,” said CSM Foundation Executive Director Chelsea Clute.
Money raised during CSM’s Giving Tuesday event will champion student success by supporting the Help a Hawk Fund, which was established to provide aid to students who are experiencing financial hardship due to sudden, unexpected, or unforeseen circumstances that impact a student's ability to remain in school. Donors wishing to donate directly to a different program, department, or scholarship will be able to select other designations when making their online contribution.
“CSM has gone above and beyond to help me stay successful,” said nursing student and scholarship recipient Monica Corbin, of La Plata. “None of my success would be occurring if it weren’t for CSM working so hard for me and with me, to make my dreams come true.”
"I have learned over the years that you cannot do everything on your own, and the support and love from others can make reaching your goal mean ten times more,” agreed nursing student and Help a Hawk recipient Shannon Barnett, of Waldorf. “I do not just have myself and family that believe in me, but a community of individuals that believe in my growth.”
Participants who donate during the ‘Power Hours’ at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. will be entered to win prizes including Caps tickets, a Yeti cooler, and an iPad. Special challenges for alumni, staff, and current students will take place throughout the day. Learn more about Giving Tuesday at CSM and donate by visiting
CSM’s season of giving will continue on Dec. 3, when the public is invited to celebrate Murphy’s retirement with a party at the Velocity Center at Indian Head that will also benefit the Help a Hawk fund. Learn more and purchase tickets at csmd.edu/MurphyFarewell.
The Giving Tuesday movement was established to unleash the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. Created in 2012 as a simple idea: Giving Tuesday is a 24-hour giving event that encourages people to do good by giving, collaborating, and celebrating generosity.
The CSM Foundation, a nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization established in 1970, helps increase access to higher education at CSM through scholarship funding and assures the excellence of that education by raising and managing funds for college projects and objectives – including workforce development in Southern Maryland. The CSM Foundation is comprised of a tri-county, all-volunteer board of directors. To learn more about the CSM Foundation or to donate, visit the CSM Foundation online.