CSM Spring Registration is Open; Don’t Wait for ‘Someday’ to Start Your Future; Start Today

Winter may be fast approaching, but the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is already looking ahead to the Spring semester. If you’ve been planning to get your degree, advance in a career, or pursue that special interest “someday,” it’s time to stop waiting and start a new future today at CSM. Spring registration is open now.
The spring semester begins Jan. 17, with three sessions that run Jan. 17 – March 6; March 20 – May 5; and Jan. 17 – May 8. Choose from a variety of high-quality academic and workforce training programs and train to compete and excel in fast-growing, high-paying careers. CSM’s educational options range from three-month workforce training and certificate programs to traditional associate degrees, with courses offered online, in person and in hybrid formats.
CSM provides access to free resources and support services to ensure each student has what they need to succeed including academic advising, career services, counseling, disability support, veteran and military support, and 24-hour-a-day tutoring.
CSM also has a wealth of scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities to keep education accessible and affordable. The CSM Foundation has awarded $3 million in scholarships over the last five years, and students who complete their first two years of college at CSM save an average of $29,000. And when students are ready to take their education farther, they can take advantage of one of the more than 270 transfer agreements between CSM and four-year colleges nationwide.
The first step is to apply online. Continuing education classes, which include workforce training, adult education or personal enrichment or hobbies, do not require an application. If you aren’t sure which path is right for you, CSM offers several tools to help you explore programs and careers. All the information and resources you need to begin can be found at https://www.csmd.edu/spring/index.html.