Benny C. Morgan Concert Series Features Qun Ren on the Bassoon Nov. 12 at CSM’s Leonardtown Campus

The public is invited to enjoy the stylings of Bassoonist Qun Ren as part of the Benny C. Morgan Concert Series presented at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Leonardtown Campus Nov. 12 at 3 p.m. Admission is free.
“Jimmy” Qun Ren, bassoon, is a doctoral student of Musical Arts at the University of Maryland School of Music. He is a freelance bassoonist in Washington, D.C./Baltimore area. In addition to his active performance schedule, he is an independent bassoon teacher in the greater Washington, D.C. area and sells woodwind reeds as an auxiliary profession.
Ren was a prior member of the Wavelength Winds, the University of Maryland’s premier fellowship wind quintet, and a member of the Washington Chamber Orchestra. In 2018, he was the first-prize concerto competition winner at the University of Maryland while pursuing his master’s of music in bassoon performance. He received his bachelor’s in music at the Oberlin Conservatory where he was the principal bassoonist in the Oberlin Orchestra, Oberlin Chamber Orchestra, and Contemporary Music Ensemble.
This is Ren’s first semester as CSM’s bassoon instructor. He also teaches General Education Music Appreciation classes.
The sponsors of the Benny C. Morgan Series include the CSM Foundation, Carroll L. Alvey, Jr. and the St. Mary’s County Arts Council.
Benny C. Morgan Concert Series: Qun Ren, bassoon. Nov. 12. 3 - 5 p.m. Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Auditorium. “Jimmy” Qun Ren is a freelance bassoonist in Washington, D.C./Baltimore area. In addition to his active performance schedule, he is an independent bassoon teacher. Ren was a prior member of the Wavelength Winds, the University of Maryland’s premier fellowship wind quintet, and a member of the Washington Chamber Orchestra. The Benny C. Morgan Series is sponsored by the CSM Foundation, Carroll L. Alvey, Jr., and the St. Mary’s County Arts Council. Free.