Audition, Register and ‘Engage’ with CSM this August and Get Started Transforming Your Life

Auditions for CSM’s Theater Production “These Shining Lives.” Aug. 1-3. 6-8 p.m. College of Southern Maryland La Plata Campus, Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, FA Building, Room 100. Students and community members are welcome to audition. Please be prepared for cold readings, no memorized monologues are requested. "These Shining Lives” chronicles the strength and determination of women considered expendable in their day, exploring their true story and its continued resonance. Directed by Brian Donohue. Show dates are Oct. 14-16 and 21-23. For more info:
Transfer Thursday: Excelsior College. Aug. 4. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Online Via Zoom. Transfer institutions are now coming to you virtually. College of Southern Maryland hosts transfer institutions virtually each Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Representatives from select institutions will be available to chat with students and help navigate their future transfer experience. You do not have to stay the whole two hours; just drop-in at any point during the time frame to ask your questions. RSVPs are required to access Zoom information. Free.
Registration Live! Same Day Enrollment. Aug. 11. Sessions at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. College of Southern Maryland Leonardtown Campus. Not registered for the fall yet? No problem! Tour the campus and talk with current students about being a CSM Hawk; meet with an advisor to discuss your program of study; learn about student services; register for classes; discuss financial aid; and make final arrangements for payments, all in one afternoon! Free. Register at
Transfer Thursday: Notre Dame of Maryland University. Aug. 11. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Online Via Zoom. Transfer institutions are now coming to you virtually. College of Southern Maryland hosts transfer institutions virtually each Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Representatives from select institutions will be available to chat with students and help navigate their future transfer experience. You do not have to stay the whole two hours; just drop-in at any point during the time frame to ask your questions. RSVPs are required to access Zoom information. Free.
Registration Live! Same Day Enrollment. Aug. 17. Sessions at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus. Not registered for the fall yet? No problem! Tour the campus and talk with current students about being a CSM Hawk; meet with an advisor to discuss your program of study; learn about student services; register for classes; discuss financial aid; and make final arrangements for payments, all in one afternoon! Free. Register at
Transfer Thursday: George Mason University. Aug. 18. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Online Via Zoom. Transfer institutions are now coming to you virtually. College of Southern Maryland hosts transfer institutions virtually each Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Representatives from select institutions will be available to chat with students and help navigate their future transfer experience. You do not have to stay the whole two hours; just drop-in at any point during the time frame to ask your questions. RSVPs are required to access Zoom information. Free.
All College Convocation. Aug. 19. Classes and essential services will continue to operate on a normal schedule while all CSM administrative and faculty offices will have limited hours.
Registration Live! Same Day Enrollment. Aug. 23. Sessions at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. College of Southern Maryland La Plata Campus. Not registered for the fall yet? No problem! Tour the campus and talk with current students about being a CSM Hawk; meet with an advisor to discuss your program of study; learn about student services; register for classes; discuss financial aid; and make final arrangements for payments, all in one afternoon! Free. Register at
Transfer Thursday: Bowie State University. Aug. 25. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Online Via Zoom. Transfer institutions are now coming to you virtually. College of Southern Maryland hosts transfer institutions virtually each Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Representatives from select institutions will be available to chat with students and help navigate their future transfer experience. You do not have to stay the whole two hours; just drop-in at any point during the time frame to ask your questions. RSVPs are required to access Zoom information. Free.
Engineer, Educate, Engage. Aug. 30. 6:30 – 8 p.m. College of Southern Maryland La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113. Learn more about CSM’s Electrical and Mechanical Engineering majors and the Southern Maryland ENTRY Program, which offers a seamless path to a bachelor’s degree at the University of Maryland for students in these programs. Engage with current and former students and get your questions answered. Free. RSVP at