CSM Velocity Center Joins Town of Indian Head’s 101st Anniversary Festivities Sept. 25, Showcases ‘Art of Innovation’ With Activities and Fun

CSM Velocity Center Joins Town of Indian Head’s 101st Anniversary Festivities Sept. 25, Showcases ‘Art of Innovation’ With Activities and Fun
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is joining in the day-long festivities to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the Town of Indian Head Sept. 25 by hosting the “Art of Innovation” at the CSM Velocity Center. The public is invited to visit the Velocity Center throughout the day to enjoy an art exhibit, musical improvisation, games of giant Jenga, face painting and see presentations highlighting innovative technologies including robotics, 3-D printing and prototypes. Visitors will also have the chance to learn about the accomplishments of the Talons, CSM’s nationally ranked robotics team, and meet members of CSM’s Society of Women Engineers and National Society of Black Engineers.
“We couldn’t be more excited to spend the day in Indian Head to commemorate the town’s historic milestone and host a day of fun and community fellowship,” said CSM Associate Vice President of Continuing Education and Workforce Development Ellen Flowers-Fields. “We are very proud of the Velocity Center and the role that our community college plays in support of the Navy and in the economic revival of the Town of Indian Head. We are eager to show it off and meet our neighbors and visitors face-to-face.”
The CSM Velocity Center – where education and innovation meet – opened its doors one year ago during a Sept. 17, 2020 socially distant ribbon-cutting ceremony before about 1,300 Facebook Live onlookers. At the time, the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division was marking its 130th anniversary and the Town of Indian Head was marking its 100th anniversary, but the Navy and the town were unable to celebrate their milestones in grand fashion due to pandemic restrictions.
The Town of Indian Head's Sept. 25 day of activities to celebrate its 1920 incorporation and commemorate its centennial anniversary – plus one year – include a parade, amusement rides, live entertainment and a firework show in around the Village Green Park & Pavilion and the Indian Head Senior Center. The town’s events start at 9 a.m. and end after dark.
The Velocity Center’s ‘Art of Innovation’ activities will be held 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. In addition to games, exhibits, presentations and performances, there will be food vendors.
The Velocity Center, located at 4465 Indian Head Highway, Indian Head, Md., is a place of innovation, learning and collaboration for academia, the Navy and the community. The facility is approximately 13,000 square feet located outside of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD). Currently, the Navy utilizes the center for conferences, meetings, showcases and to hold a multitude of professional development activities and events. Navy scientists and industry leaders can interact with students in tech transfer courses and have a place to tinker and conduct unclassified research. The community can take advantage of the Makerspace in the Velocity Center as well as workforce and professional development courses such as Computer Aided Design, Cyber Security, Drones/Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Government Procurement, Social Entrepreneurship and Tech Transfer Entrepreneurship, etc.
To learn more about the Town of Indian Head’s parade, fireworks and other anniversary activities, visit upcoming events at www.townofindianhead.org.