CSM Establishes ‘Safer On Campus Task Force’ to Recommend COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Policy

The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) announces a “Safer on Campus Task Force” has been established to research practices at other institutions of higher education and to recommend strategies on how CSM will implement an employee and student COVID-19 vaccination requirement by the start of the spring term, which begins Jan. 18, 2022.
“This group of representatives from across the college will take the next four weeks to study, listen, and prepare their recommendations,” explained CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy. “In order for CSM to reopen at full capacity, we must contain the spread of the coronavirus, and the best way to accomplish that goal is to require vaccinations of employees and students. We recognize, however, that there are individuals who have valid reasons to be exempted from a requirement, and we are committed to having a process that is fair, consistent, and compassionate.”
Murphy said the effectiveness of the vaccines against COVID-19 and their widespread availability allow CSM to take this next step toward increasing the number of face-to-face course offerings, academic experiences, and other activities for students. The Safer on Campus Task Force will provide its findings and recommendations Nov. 12.
“We strongly believe that students learn better in community,” added Murphy. “We have been providing our students remote learning options for more than 20 years – which served us all well during the initial stages, and spikes of this pandemic. It is time that we provide those students who learn better face-to-face the opportunity to return our classrooms.”
Currently CSM is operating in Phase 3: Reduced Operations. Many classes and student services remain virtual; however, some on-campus classes and appointments for services are available. Visitors to campus are subject to a COVID-19 self-assessment prior to entry and mask must be worn at all times while indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
For more information about CSM’s operational status visit www.csmd.edu/ready/covid-19.