General Student Complaint Procedures
Procedure provides a method of recourse to students who feel that a particular action, or series of actions, on the part of another student, a faculty or staff member, or the institution has violated accepted or stated institutional practices and standards. Student concerns appropriate to this procedure include those not covered by the following established procedures:
- Student Code of Conduct
- Reevaluation of Academic Work
- Administrative Grievance Procedure (see Administrative Manual, HR 4005)
- Faculty Grievance Procedure (see Full-Time Faculty Handbook)
- Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation
Informal Level
Before beginning any formal procedures, the parties involved in the complaint should try to settle the dispute through discussion. If the student wishes to have another person present at these discussions, he/she may request the presence of a staff member from the Division of Student Equity and Success, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or any other appropriate college staff member.
Formal Level
The student must begin formal complaint procedures within 21 calendar days of the alleged violation by submitting a written statement of the complaint to the Vice President of Student Equity and Success. The statement must explain what allegedly happened, what steps have been taken prior to the submission of the written complaint, and what action the student is requesting. The Vice President of Student Equity and Success will distribute copies of the complaint to the appropriate parties.
If the complaint involves a college employee, the student will then meet with the faculty or staff member and his/her supervisor(s). If the complaint involves another student or the institution as a whole, the student will meet with the Vice President of Student Equity and Success and/or others deemed appropriate. This meeting should take place within 14 calendar days of the submission of the written statement. Within seven calendar days, the student will be informed, in writing, of the outcome of this meeting.
In the absence of a mutually satisfactory outcome, the student may appeal the outcome of the meeting to the president.
The student must initiate the appeal within 14 calendar days. The appeal must be in writing and explain the nature of the complaint, the reason for the appeal, and include any supporting evidence. The appeal should be submitted to the president.
The President, or designee, may:
- Dismiss the appeal for insufficient evidence
- Schedule an appeal hearing
If an appeal is granted, the president, or designee, will hear the appeal within 14 calendar days subsequent to receipt of the student’s written request. A record will be made of the appeal hearing.
A written explanation of the appeal decision will be given to the student and, as appropriate, others involved within 14 calendar days following the scheduled hearing.
The procedures for these hearings will, for the most part, follow those outlined in Article VI, Section A, of the Student Code of Conduct.
These procedures may be modified to accommodate the nature of the complaint.
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