Standard V: Educational Effectiveness Assessment

Standard V: Educational Effectiveness Assessment

View Middle States Higher Education Standards' Criteria

Assessment of student learning and achievement demonstrates that the institution's students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their program of study, degree level, the institution's mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.

Workgroup Members:

V - Educational Effectiveness Assessment

*Dr. Eden Kan

Professor, Health Sciences


**PIR Support

*Tony Stout

Chair, Business


Michelle Ruble

Dean, Student Development


Christopher Ripley

Assistant Professor, Business


Cami Cooley

Director I, Academic Assessment and Planning


 Kelly Winters

Executive Director, Workforce Development


Jake Herlihy

Assistant Professor, Business, Technology, and Public Service


Jill Wathen

Director, Strategic Initiatives and Projects


Samantha-Joy Hendry



**Dr. Erin Ebersole

Associate Vice President, PIR


Lines of Inquiry:

The Working Group for Standard V is tasked to find evidence and draft a narrative to answer the following questions:

  1. How does the college make certain that credit and credit-free student learning outcomes are measurable and meaningful?
  2. To what extent does the college utilize assessment results for continuous improvement related to student learning and achievement of outcomes including:
    1. Finances
    2. Retention, graduation, and transfer rates
    3. Improvements to pedagogy, curricula, support services, etc.
    4. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  3. In what ways does CSM provide support for faculty and staff in their efforts to assess student learning and promote improvements?
  4. How do assessment results inform and guide the integrated planning process at CSM?
  5. After researching the above questions, how can CSM improve in any of these areas?
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