Nonprofit Spotlight

Nonprofit Spotlight

Warfighter Advance, Inc.

The successful reintegration of every warfighter


Warfighter Advance, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Lexington Park, Md. The organization focuses on one mission: the successful reintegration of every warfighter. The mission emerges from a large issue within the United States; when warfighters return home, our society does not help them readjust to normal living.
e1bfebdwfa_balance622fb3e2cf869.jpgDuring training, veterans become accustomed to a high-stress environment with risk and danger, where they must operate efficiently with the support of their comrades. Upon returning home, veterans are exposed to a less disciplined and urgent environment that is more emotionally confusing to navigate. This huge gap between military life and civilian life often triggers trauma-related behaviors. Such behaviors interfere with many aspects of veterans’ lives. As a result, an average of 20 veterans commit suicide every day. Those who are still alive remain isolated with little to no quality of life.
The solution that Warfighter Advance, Inc., provides bridges the lifestyle gap and helps veterans regain control over their lives. It involves a seven-day program that helps veterans return to productive civilian lives after combat. Before starting the program’s training, participants experience much distress. They describe themselves as non-functional or minimally-functional in their daily lives. However, two weeks after completing the training, participants report that they begin to see a path out of their dysfunction. They also become able to plan and take actions that bring positive change to their lives. From the start to the end of training, the distress of participants drops by an average of 23%. Other data validates the program’s success in helping warfighters adjust to normal living.
"I've been through several programs for Vets; however, I was still searching for something more. This one matters in ways no other does. I found a dedicated staff and real answers."
     - Combat Wounded Marine, OIF/OEF
e01b3ba_chico_and_raoul622fb3e0614e4.jpgProgram participants attend 100% free of charge, including transportation costs. The nonprofit houses them, feeds them, teaches them, and gives them experiences they have not had before. It also creates an environment where veterans can gather their own strength and begin the self-healing process.
“I have a lot of trouble, still, feeling that I’m worthy of assistance because I am so much better off than a lot of people. My husband reminds me that I got shot at. Warfighter Advance gave me permission to accept that, and to get better, not to be in pain. I do accept that now. I also realized that while you’re making yourself better, you’re also helping other people.
     - Navy Corpsman Al Asad
Veterans are guided through the program and invited into a large support group of other program graduates. A private Facebook page is used to maintain this community, which is called the Alumni Association. The support group also involves a monthly personal outreach to every graduate, which is conducted through emails and telephone calls. This ensures that the alumni maintain their progress and continue further. The outreach also initiates focused mentor contact in case graduates need assistance. There is no limit on the length of time that graduates can use the outreach program.
Learn more on the Warfighter Advance website and watch the Warfighter Advance video "They Went to War for Us"



-- Danielle Barber, Nonprofit Institute

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