Continuing Education Schedules and Info
Schedule of Classes
For a complete listing of continuing education courses, including course descriptions, please either view our online schedule of continuing education courses or the continuing education schedule of classes below in PDF format:
Prefer to have a printed copy of the schedule?
You can pick up a schedule at any of our four campuses. Get directions to campuses or contact our Information Hotline at 301-539-4760 to request to have a schedule mailed to you.
General Info and FAQs
If you have completed all of the required courses in a Workforce Training Certificate Program and would like to receive a certificate, please complete the Application for a Workforce Training Certificate by clicking the link below.
Request Certificate of CompletionSometimes books for continuing education classes are not available in the College Store until three days prior to the start of class.
It is recommended that you contact the College Store to be sure that your book is available before attempting to purchase your book in person.
The College Store an be reached at 301-934-7570. Most textbooks can be purchased online.
Textbooks for Ed2Go classes are usually not available at the college store and should be purchased on Amazon or other book retailer. Detailed information for Ed2Go textbooks if required are on the requirements page for the course.
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized method for recording participation in a continuing education (credit-free) program that does not carry credit toward a degree but does meet established criteria for increasing knowledge and competencies. One CEU is awarded for each 10 contact hours to those students who complete a minimum of 80 percent of an organized continuing education course.
CEU Award Criteria
Students wishing to earn CEUs must:
- Demonstrate completion of all course objectives, skills, or assignments listed on the course outline.
- Attend a minimum of 80% of the course sessions (more stringent criteria may be applied to the definition of successful completion of any or all of the courses at the discretion of CSM or its clients). Attendance will be taken for every class as part of the college's record-keeping system and to meet the criteria for awarding CEUs.
CEU Record
Continuing education students can acquire a continuing education record that will list the continuing education units completed, beginning with the 2004 spring semester. Students may obtain a continuing education record one of several ways:
- Students may visit a CSM campus and request their record. Students may wait and pick up their record at the Express Counter in the Administration (AD) Building at the La Plata Campus, the Lobby of Building C at the Leonardtown Campus, or the John E. Harms Academic Center (Building A), Room 101 at the Prince Frederick Campus during normal business hours.
- Students may also request their record by mail or fax. Please send a request to the Registrar's Office and include the following (or fill out the continuing education record request form):
- Name (and any former names used)
- Current mailing address
- A contact phone number in case of questions
- Social security number and Student ID number (if known)
- Last semester attended
- Number of transcripts requested
- The address(es) to send the record(s)
- Your signature
Select workforce development programs offer a Portfolio Review that may give you credit for Prior Learning. The Portfolio Evaluation takes approximately 3-5 business days to process. You will be notified by email when a decision is made, whether or not you will be eligible to register for your first course. The Portfolio Evaluation MUST be completed 14 days prior to the start of the course. To request your Portfolio Review, you will need to complete the Portfolio Evaluation Form and submit that with documentation of prior learning to Kelly Winters. You may submit your form and documentation via email to