The College of Southern Maryland provides low/no-cost Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED® Preparation, and English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction in Charles, St. Mary's, and Calvert counties.
Classes meet two times per week at various locations in the tri-county area. These classes are small and learning is individualized to meet the needs of each student.
The Maryland Adult National External Diploma Program (NEDP) is also offered. Students will meet once a week for a one-on-one appointment with an advisor. Students must attend orientation and receive a qualifying score on the assessment to enter the program. The Maryland Adult National External Diploma Program is a nationally recognized high school diploma option for adults, 18 and older. It is an alternative to the GED® exam and is designed for adults who have developed high school-level skills through life experience. NEDP measures academic as well as life skills through online, at-home assignments and work done in the center. The diploma is issued by the Maryland State Department of Education and is accepted by colleges and universities. Some colleges may require that adults meet additional admission standards.
Online Web-Hybrid Classes for GED Preparation and English as a Second Language
Adult Education offers GED® Preparation and English as a Second Language web-hybrid classes. Eight-week sessions are offered for students to prepare for the GED® test or improve their English language skills from home. Contact the Adult Ed office at adulted@csmd.edu for more information.
NEW! Integrated Education and Training and Citizenship Classes
The Integrated Education and Training class provides students with the opportunity to work toward earning a high school diploma while also working toward developing the skills necessary to enter the emerging job market. Students will be able to earn an industry recognized certification while developing the literacy and workforce skills necessary to be successful.
A Citizenship Preparation class was also recently added to our schedule. This class is an opportunity for students in our English as a Second Language classes to learn more about the civic rights and responsibilities that come with citizenship while working on the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in the citizenship process.
Get Started
Sign Up for a FREE Orientation
- Receive information about classes held at sites throughout the tri-county area.
- Speak privately with an advisor about your educational needs and goals.
- Sign up for classes.
Request More Information
For more information, email adulted@csmd.edu. You may also call 301-934-7770.
GED and NEDP Orientations
GED and NEDP Orientations are available at the following locations:
- CSM La Plata Campus
- CSM Leonardtown Campus
- CSM Prince Frederick Campus
GED Ready Assessments
GED Ready Assessments available at the following locations:
- CSM La Plata Campus
- CSM Leonardtown Campus
- CSM Prince Frederick Campus
ESL Orientations
ESL Orientations available at the following locations:
- CSM La Plata Campus
- CSM Leonardtown Campus
- CSM Prince Frederick Campus