AA Degree
La Plata Campus|Prince Frederick Campus
This associate of arts program option is designed for part- and full-time students with a specific academic interest in history.
This option prepares students for a specific concentration at a four-year Maryland state college or university.
We offer a wide range of courses for both majors and non-majors. Our classes range from Global and U.S. surveys to exciting topical offerings, such as The History of Race and Racism, African American History, Women in Europe and Women in America, Modern Middle East, Recent U.S. History 1945-present, Greek and Roman, and Medieval History.
View Program Requirements in the Catalog:
Arts and Sciences: History, AA
CSM Stories
“CSM was in every way a valuable experience, particularly the care, guidance and attention I received from my professors ... I would not have even been able to start a college career had it not been for CSM. I hesitate to call anything a formative moment because I'm constantly trying to grow and expand my understanding, but if I were to peg such a moment to a particular time, I would say it was during my time at CSM.”
Dillon Banis '14
CSM History Alumnus
Fullbright English Teaching Assistantship Recipient and Ph.D. Candidate at Columbia University
Transfer Opportunities
Our graduates have transferred to a variety of excellent four-year college and universities, both public and private, including University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Morgan State University, Washington College, Earlham College, Messiah College, St. Mary's College of Maryland, and University of Maryland Global Campus.
Our graduates have done graduate work at such schools as University of Maryland College Park, St. Mary's College of Maryland, Princeton, Syracuse, and Columbia, often receiving generous grants and scholarships.
View All Transfer Opportunities
Past Graduates
A History major can help prepare a student for a variety of careers. Our graduates have gone on to work in a variety of settings including:
- Blackbaud, working with nonprofits to identify their IT needs
- U.S. Federal Government
- U.S. Government Assistance Office (GAO) after completing an MPA in health policy
- Office of a local congressman as the director of constituent services
- Ohio History Project as an Americorps volunteer after graduating with honors from Messiah College
- Internships with the National Park Service and members of the Maryland Assembly