April 2021 HawkTalk Student e-Newsletter

Important Dates for April

Important Dates for April

Find important dates for your spring and summer 2021 courses below.
April 19 – Last day to withdraw without a grade or change a credit to an audit (or vice versa) for Spring 3-Week Session II
April 25 – Classes end for Spring 3-Week Session II
April 27 – Last day to withdraw without a grade or change a credit to an audit (or vice versa) for Spring 7-Week Session II
May 10 – Classes end for Spring 15-Week Session and 7-Week Session II
May 12 – Classes begin for Summer 14-Week Session, 7-Week Session, and 3-Week Session I

Guided Pathways Nights
Guided Pathways Nights

Join CSM in April for Guided Pathways Nights. Discover the benefits and perks of your pathway to find the best route to reach your goals:

April 7Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
April 14Health
April 21Education and Public Service
April 28Trades, Transportation, and Energy

Look Ahead, Start Ready: 7-Day Preview in myLearning
Look Ahead, Start Ready: 7-Day Preview in myLearning

Begin your summer and fall courses prepared by logging into myLearning before the first day of class! You’ll have access to your course modules seven days prior to the class start date. Log into my.CSMD, go to myLearning, and get the info you need for a strong start to a successful semester. Peruse the syllabus, check off materials, familiarize yourself with days, times, locations, and more.

Engineering WeekEngineering Week

Start drafting the blueprint for your engineering career with Engineering Week at CSM!
Tuesday, April 6, 6 p.m.: Engineering Transfer Partner Meet and Greet
Wednesday, April 7, 6 p.m.: Guided Pathway Night - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Thursday, April 8, 6:30 p.m.: Night of Engineering - Southern Maryland Partnership

Social Justice Week
Social Justice in Crisis: Social Justice Week

Covid-19 has upended our world in ways that will require years of reflection and study to fully understand. The pandemic has impacted us all, but it has not done so equally. The simple truth is that the pandemic has exacerbated inequalities among those marginalized because of race, poverty, gender, ability, and other factors. Our 2021 Social Justice Week takes up the task of better understanding the interplay between this global pandemic, social justice, and the lived experience of people most inordinately impacted by the virus.

Join us for a week of events that explore the pandemic’s impact from economic, mental, behavioral, and physical health, criminal justice, racial justice, and global perspectives. Visit CSM’s Office of Equity and Inclusive Diversity to get more info and to register for events.

Monday, April 12:
“COVID’s Impact on Our Wallets – How to Bounce Back after the Pandemic”
“Health Benefits in Crisis”

Tuesday, April 13:
“Just Mercy Film Discussion”
“Mental Health in a Time of Pandemic”
“COVID-19 and the Criminal Justice System”
“Social Justice in Crisis – COVID’s Impact on Communities in Southern Maryland”

Wednesday, April 14:
“Consequences of the Pandemic – Mental Illness, Substance Abuse, and Treatment Options”
“Public Attitudes on Race in America”

Thursday, April 15:
“Social Justice Day Showcase of Documentaries and PSAs”
“The Pandemic’s Impact on the Homeless Community”

Friday, April 16:
“Social Justice Week Scholarship Awards Ceremony”
“CSM Book Club Discussion of Animal Farm”

Career Conversations Series

Career Conversations Series

Join the Advising and Career Services team as we hold our next sessions in our Career Conversations series! This month, learn about dressing for an interview, using social media to network, and hear from employers in our area in our Meet the Employer event. Use the link to register for the Zoom session you’re interested in.

Career Conversations: Meet the Employer - Cushman & Wakefield
April 7, 12 p.m.
Meet the Employer is an opportunity to hear from local and regional employers and get answers to your questions.

Register Now

Career Conversations: Social Media Presence

April 14, 12 p.m.
Explore the importance of maintaining a professional social media presence and how employers may use social media in the hiring process. Social media presence can open the door for unlimited professional opportunities, networking, and more!

Register Now

Career Conversations: Dressing for a Successful Job Interview

April 21, 12 p.m.
Learn how to present your best self when dressing for your job interview. We will break down different dress codes and review tips on how to wear your hair and make-up and what to do if you have tattoos!

Register Now

Living and Loving Healthily: Counseling Events

Living and Loving Healthily: Counseling Events

Join CSM’s Counseling Services and our partners in emotional wellness for these events.

One Love: 10 Signs of Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
April 7, 2:30 - 4 p.m.
The 10 signs of a healthy or unhealthy relationship are at the core of all our relationships. Join us for this interactive workshop to learn where we see these behaviors and how we can help a friend who may be in an unhealthy situation.

Register Now

Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention
April 8, 7 - 8 p.m.
Presented by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), this program provides research-based evidence on best practice for suicide prevention, including tips for reaching out to a friend who is struggling and getting help for oneself.

Register Now

Take a Break with the Counselors
May 5, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
You deserve a break! Come unwind with the counselors and discuss how to manage the stress of final exams and other stressors. In addition, we will consider how to pivot from a semester to a summer mindset while maintaining momentum, wellness, and productivity.

Register Now


Priority Registration for Fall Opens Soon
Priority Registration for Fall Opens Soon

No need to worry that a class you need to take this fall will fill up before you can register! Priority Registration opens soon, with the date based on the number of credits you have:

•  April 26: Current students with 45+ credits
•  April 27: Current students with 30+ credits
•  April 28: Current students with 15+ credits
•  April 29: Current students with 1+ credits


One Application, 200+ Scholarships: Scholarship Finder

The 2021 - 2022 Scholarship Finder application is now open! The CSM Foundation has awarded more than $3 million to more than 3,000 students in the last decade. Visit www.csmd.edu/scholarshipfinder to get started!

Student Life Events
Student Life Events for april

Get in the Game: Financial Coaching with Carlisa
Thursday, April 8, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Get in the financial game and learn about basic tools for smart money management, budgeting tips, making big purchases, and where to even start. Join Carlisa Kent, Financial Coach, with Carlisa Cares Financial Solutions, as she provides tips to help college students improve their financial literacy. It’s never too early to get in the game! 

Register Now

Spring Fling

Thursday, April 22, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The CSM Spring Fling is virtual this year! With games and fun galore, it’s sure to be one of this semester’s best events. Join us for some or all the fun. Either way, you won’t want to miss out! Visit Student Life Events for complete details.

SGA Elections
Tuesday, April 27 - Thursday, April 29
Student Life will host the 2021 - 2022 Student Government Association Elections virtually this semester due to the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Elections will take place on April 27 - 29 and the election ballot link will be sent through myLearning. Students can only vote once using their my.csmd email address, so make your vote count. Candidates will campaign online April 12 - 23.

CSM Virtual Pet Parade
Thursday, April 29, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Do you have an awesome pet at home that you would like to put on parade? Join us for the first ever CSM Virtual Pet Parade! All animals will be judged by event attendees in the following categories: Favorite Cat, Favorite Dog, Favorite Reptile, and Favorite Small Animal. The winner of each category will receive a $50.00 gift certificate to the CSM College Store. Please register your pet prior to the parade start, so we can see all the animals our students call family.

Register Now

Mobile Hawk Feeder

Mobile Hawk Feeder: Pick Up Your Hawk Feeder FOOD Care Package 

CSM Student Life will be distributing Hawk Feeder food care packages at the La Plata Campus on Thursday, April 8, from 1 – 4 p.m. Be sure to register on or before April 7 to help us ensure we have enough care packages on hand. Complete pickup instructions will be provided after you submit the form.

If you are unable to make it, there will be additional dates during the spring semester.

Provocations: CSM Faculty Excellence Lecture Series
Provocations: CSM Faculty Excellence Lecture Series

This spring, join us for the Faculty Excellence Lecture series:

April 15: “By Mourning Tongues” - Presented by George Bedell, Professor of Communication, Arts, and Humanities

Register Now

May 6:
“A Different Lens: Asian American Speech Communities, Mental Illness Narratives, and How Educators Can Help Increase Help-Seeking Behaviors of Asian American College Students” - Presented by Gina Johnson, Professor of Communication, Arts, and Humanities

Register Now


Transfer Thursdays Lineup for April

Transfer Thursdays Lineup for APRIL

Join us for Transfer Thursdays and connect directly with our transfer partners! Every Thursday, you’ll hear from three representatives from colleges and universities with transfer opportunities for CSM students, including program-specific opportunities. This is your chance to ask your questions and get answers straight from the source! 

Visit www.csmd.edu/TransferThursdays to learn more and register for the sessions you’re interested in.

This month, hear from:

April 8: Liberty University,* Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg,* University of Maryland, College Park (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources)
April 15: Temple University,* University of Mary Washington, University of Baltimore (Merrick School of Business)*
April 22: Chatham University, University of Maryland, Global Campus,* Howard University (College of Pharmacy)
April 29: Coastal Carolina University, Drew University,* University of Maryland, College Park (Army ROTC)
May 6: High Point University, Regent University, Towson University (Elementary Education)

*Institutions that have signed a transfer or matriculation agreement with CSM

Weekend Wi-Fi Cafés

weekend wi-fi Cafés

Don’t let spotty Internet or noisy neighbors get in the way of your education. Take advantage of Weekend Wi-Fi Cafés every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the La Plata, Leonardtown, and Prince Frederick campuses.

Bring your device, plug in your charger, and connect to the campus wireless network in a comfortable, relaxed setting.

For more information, including hours, locations, and occupancy limits, visit www.csmd.edu/WiFicafe.

Apply for Graduation!

Apply for Graduation!

If you’re finishing up your coursework for your program of study this semester, don’t forget to apply for graduation!  The deadline to receive your diploma is April 15. Learn more at www.csmd.edu/Commencement.

CSM College Survival Guide

ADVISING | COUNSELING | CSM College Survival Guide

The College Survival Guide is a monthly feature that directs members of the CSM community to free resources and support for whatever challenges they may be facing. At CSM, no hawk has to fly alone.


It’s that time of year again: registration. Finding the schedule that fits your needs and academic goals can feel like playing the least-fun version of Tetris ever. CSM’s academic advisors are here to help you pick the classes that will get you where you want to go.


Humans are social animals. Limiting contact to keep us healthy is necessary, but it’s hard on us. And that’s not to say there isn’t enough stress in the world anyway. The important thing to remember is that you’re not alone. You’re a member of a community, and we’re here to support you as we pass through these turbulent times—together.

CSM Counseling Services are available to help students navigate and overcome a host of obstacles and personal struggles.

R u ok, Hawks? is an anonymous tool to connect students with resources to support their mental health.

Student Health 101

Student Health 101

This online health and wellness magazine is your resource on nutrition, career advice, articles like Coronavirus (COVID-19) School Resources, and more. View the current issue now and sign up to receive the Student Health 101 email each month.



11:00 AM

Popcorn & Pretzels with CSM President Dr. Wilson

2:00 PM

Cultural Day

11:00 AM

Popcorn & Pretzels with CSM President Dr. Wilson

2:30 PM

Hawk Social 2025

2:00 PM

March 17 - April 4: Clubs and Organization Pop Ups

10:00 AM

La Plata Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

Regional Hughesville Campus Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

La Plata Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

Prince Frederick Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

Prince Frederick Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

Leonardtown Campus Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

Regional Hughesville Campus Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

Leonardtown Campus Spring Fling 2025

11:30 AM

April 14 - May 2: Clubs and Organization Pop Ups

10:00 AM

Easter Egg Grab & Go

11:00 AM

Popcorn & Pretzels with CSM President Dr. Wilson

2:30 PM

Earth Day Picnic and Field Day

11:00 AM

Nationals Vs Orioles MLB Game

4:00 PM

April 14 - May 2: Clubs and Organization Pop Ups

10:00 AM

Student Government Association (SGA) Banquet

5:00 PM
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