Meet Our Faculty: Tony Stout
Meet Tony Stout
Chair, School of Professional and Technical Studies, Business Department
Faculty member since 2017
Courses Taught
All business classes—especially those relating to leadership, management, and strategy!
I hail from the great state of Kentucky (go Cards!), but spent most of my life traveling in the Navy. I retired from the Navy after 24 years of service in the communications and networks field, where we tested products and networks ranging from high-speed optical global networks to the information system on the Tomahawk tactical missile system. I retired from the federal government in 2016 as the chief of operations for a large defense organization, where my role was to provide strategic leadership for the organization and to manage contracts, human resources, budgeting, facilities, construction, and workforce development.
Educational Background
I am a graduate of Excelsior College, where I received a Master of Business Administration. I am also a graduate of the University of Maryland University College, where I received bachelor’s degrees in both information systems management and business management. Lastly, I went back and got my degree from CSM, so I can be part of the cool kids group and be an alum!
My teaching philosophy is simple. I don’t like to just repeat the textbook or slides; you can read those. I want to give you some of the “so what?” information that occurs in the real world.
I recently moved to St Mary's County and spend much of my time either sitting on my porch bird watching or driving to the Shenandoah Mountains.
My journey here at CSM has been fast and furious. I started out in a part-time position teaching construction management courses. I then moved into a program coordinator role for construction management, then the business program. Recently, I was selected as the new department chair for business—a role that keeps me very busy!
One of the things I like about CSM is its student-centered approach. I like the personal touch and try to add to it by talking with students every chance I get. Whether it's passing them in the hallways or running into them in the coffee shop, I'm always interested in what courses our students are taking and how they're applying those courses to their own personal career path. I always look forward to working with students throughout the semester and hope that I can provide you with some information that will aid you in the advancement of your career!
Students who take my class are going to get the “real world” view. I like to take current, relevant topics and bring them into the classroom. Issues in corporate management, best practices in employee development, and even how to increase interest in a business—these are all topics that students can take and apply directly to their world today.
Last updated: 10-27-22