Meet Lisa Colavito
Adjunct Instructor, Communication
Faculty member since 2015
Courses Taught
COM-1020 Intro to Mass Communication
My late husband and I owned hair salons in upstate New York; at the same time, I was a sales executive for BlueCross BlueShield and a mother of two. Since then, I have been a successful operations manager for two small Maryland businesses; sold digital products and services; wrote copy and sold advertising for CBS Radio; and went back to school to earn my master's degree. I work full-time as Outreach and Retention Specialist for CSM Continuing Education and Workforce Development. I also teach marketing webinars for the Small Business Development Center and the Governor's Office of Small, Minority, and Women's Business Affairs.
Educational Background
- Master of Science in Marketing Management, University of Maryland Global Campus
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of Maryland Global Campus
I completed both my bachelor's and master's degrees in web-based, asynchronous formats. Those experiences provided me with me a robust understanding of what students need to succeed in that kind of learning environment.
Teaching COM-1020 begins with creating a well organized "classroom" in myLearning. I then offer collective and individualized coaching in the form of announcements and emails, as well as real-time online availability and interactions.
Advertising and marketing are my interests. My adult children and their families are my passion.
Communication is everything. The full name of COM-1020 is Intro to Mass Communication, and it looks at all forms of mass media: the history, the evolution to the present day, and speculation about the future. Students gain in-depth knowledge of the methods that advertisers and politicians use to pursue and persuade the masses.
- "Embracing Your Why is Essential to Your Marketing Message" in the 2022 edition of the Governor's Office of Small, Minority, and Women's Business Affair's annual magazine "Expanding Opportunities"
- Speaker at the 2023 B’MORE BOLD Business Conference for Entrepreneurs & Innovators
Last updated: 8-2-24