Fall Payment Due Date

July 31, 2024
12:00 AM - 12:00 PM

If you register before the payment due date, your full amount owed is due by 11:59 p.m. the date listed above.

If you register on or after the payment due date, you must pay in full, enroll in the payment plan or meet one of the other options listed below on the day you register or you will be dropped for non-payment.

If you do not meet your unpaid financial obligations in full by payment due date, you will be dropped from your entire schedule.


By the Payment Due Date you must:

  1. Pay in full online using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express or e-Check (coming soon).
  2. Pay in full by cash, check, or money order in person by visiting a convenient campus location.
  3. Have sufficient approved and processed financial aid to cover any outstanding balance.
  4. Enroll in the CSM Tuition Payment Plan online. Questions may be emailed to paymentplan@csmd.edu.
  5. Have approved and processed tuition assistance paperwork to cover the balance. Paperwork and questions can be emailed to tap@csmd.edu.

    Payment Information

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