Provocations Faculty Excellence Speaker Series: Jesse Gonzalez

June 06, 2024
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
La Plata Campus, Community Education (CE) Building, Room 101

Provocations Faculty Excellence Speaker Series presents:

jesse gonzalez headshot“Exploring How Colleges Are Preparing for Increasing Hispanic Populations”

Jesse Gonzalez
Associate Professor of English

June 6, 2024, 7 p.m.
La Plata Campus
Community Education (CE) Building, Room 101

Nationally, since 2005, the enrollment of Hispanic students has more than doubled. No longer a population restricted to the Southwest, Chicago, Miami, and New York City, the Hispanic populations of the DMV and Maryland continue to grow, a growth that is beginning to trickle down to the Southern regions of Maryland at relatively speedy rates. This presentation explores what colleges are doing around the nation to welcome and educate the growing Hispanic populations.

From marketing and recruitment to placement, retention, and successful matriculation, colleges are developing programs and initiatives aimed at both increasing student enrollment as well as equitably placing, retaining, and achieving student success for their Hispanic populations. While I would never blindly advocate a one-glove-fits-all approach, I hope this presentation raises questions and fuels ongoing discussions about CSM’s goals for Southern Maryland’s increasing Hispanic populations.

Professor Gonzalez will first illustrate the statistics involving increased Hispanic populations nationally and locally, then highlight a few to several initiatives and programs. His presentation will emphasize the different areas of the respective colleges impacted by these programs before showing some of the results of their work. The presentation concludes by raising applicable questions for our own community and college but without offering any critique or answers. Future research may include an evaluation of CSM’s own initiatives and programs aimed at Southern Maryland’s growing Hispanic populations.


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