CANCELED: Career Conversations: Meet the Employer

July 28, 2021
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Online Via Zoom
Meet The Employer is an opportunity to hear from local and regional employers. It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and get answers.
Forever Maryland Foundation
Forever Maryland Foundation is dedicated to the conservation of our state’s land, water, wildlife, and other natural values–values that can be experienced and cherished by everyone and will sustain healthy, vibrant, and economically resilient communities. Racism, injustice, and exclusion must never be found in or advantaged by our work. The principles of equality, justice, and inclusion should guide us all and will be honored by Forever Maryland.
Calvert Internal Medicine Group
Calvert Internal Medicine Group is a large medical practice with offices throughout Calvert County. Our Mission is to provide excellent, compassionate, and affordable medical care to adults and adolescents in the community. We want to be available and accessible when our patients need us and to respect their individual circumstances and beliefs. We will strive to give state-of-the-art medical care and outstanding service to all of our patients