CSM Faculty Excellence Lecture Series: “Provocations”
May 06, 2021
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Online Via Zoom
“A Different Lens: Asian American Speech Communities,
Mental Illness Narratives, and How Educators Can Help Increase Help-Seeking Behaviors of Asian American College Students”
Presented by Gina Johnson, Adjunct Professor of Communication
Gina Johnson’s presentation poses the questions “How can Asian college students seek help for mental illness when doing so violates not only their value of collectivism but their worldview?” and “Why would they want to be labeled as a counseling patient when doing so would shame their family?” Although previous research has identified the differences between Asian and Western cultural approaches to help-seeking, she proposes that further research is necessary which takes into account the gap between collectivist and individualist cultural approaches. Employing speech community theory and narrative paradigm theory, she establishes the framework for arguing “that effective intercultural communication can address this need through culturally trained counselors, and campus cultures that embrace the benefits of mental health service.”
About the Series:
The CSM Faculty Excellence Lecture Series was established to highlight and share the scholarly work and interests of our faculty with their colleagues, students, and community members.